Iron Man Mk VII Helmet Pepakura build

Re: Iron Man Mk VII Helmet paper pep WIP

Thanks for the compliments :)

I do what I can, but im thinking i wont actually waste too much more time anymore on having an absolute perfect finish, shape, details and fit, because I'll be remaking a new helmet of smaller scale to look better along with the rest of the suit i plan to build. ill count this first go as an experimentation and trail-and-error.

To be honest, fixing up the lines isn't too hard but takes a lot of time and many small applications of body filler.
Basically what I did was mix some filler up, and have a small amount right on the end of the scraper. and you just wipe it over the edges of the pieces, so it sits on the edge of your helmet and makes a form of lip that extends the connecting faces. and then with a medium grit and very slowly you and that lip off , trying to place the 2 connecting pieces together until they fit together again and it looks snug. best way I can describe it, im sure theres many people way more skilled around who could tell you other better ways but that's what I came up with and seems to work ok.

I wish you good luck on your helmet too :) jst be careful and patient....and it'll probably look better than mine in the end. coz my handiwork skills suck. hehe.
OK more progress: Faceplate sculpt finished. main helmet edges redone for better fit on faceplate, jaw piece getting operated on and a new smoother surface. and. PAINT.

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first coat of gold on the faceplate, will sand with 250 grit once dry and go again for a couple more coats. then ining the crack between the eyes and the around the screws for increased contrast. and then. clearcoat. done. no more faceplate.

The main helmet piece and back bottom piece are also ready to get painted up on now, I just need to either find my air compressor and airbrush ( just moved ) or buy some red sprays..

Its good to see some color :D
OK more progress: Faceplate sculpt finished. main helmet edges redone for better fit on faceplate, jaw piece getting operated on and a new smoother surface. and. PAINT.

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first coat of gold on the faceplate, will sand with 250 grit once dry and go again for a couple more coats. then ining the crack between the eyes and the around the screws for increased contrast. and then. clearcoat. done. no more faceplate.

The main helmet piece and back bottom piece are also ready to get painted up on now, I just need to either find my air compressor and airbrush ( just moved ) or buy some red sprays..

Its good to see some color :D

ohhh. . .shiny :thumbsup good job mate :)
Thanks ironmaided :) I'm gonna be workin on pieces which I think you had a part unfolding i believe soon. love your work btw.
ironmaided: Oh you did the foam files... i grabbed all of the ones i saw from darkside501st, but it looks like I wont be using your work then.. for now anyway. I dont plan on getting many opportunities to wear this suit once I go into completing it, so it'll mostly be a display piece and foam...doesn't have the finish Im trying to get for that result. maybe on another project then :)
whadeduck: thanks a lot :) i try.
Spardax: Thanks :) I'm presonally looking closely at your progress on the skyrim dragonplate build. Looks great so far, and im a big fan of the game. though I'd have either gone ebony or dragonscale. TBH nightingale is my favorite of all sets, but i dont think a pep build would make it possible. and I'm really bad with my hands at designing anything for myself unfortunately. actually the dragonplate helmet does rule. And I must say you got a sick-clean Pep of it going on.
I totally wish i had gear to cut my cardstock for me like you , though :) i'd be almost done pepping my suit if I did. Lucky you, hope it helps you make more great pieces!
*woops My bad, that skyrim build isnt yours, you jut posted on it and I was reading it. I'm bad with names. you have the mark 7 helmet. Well... I still stick to almost everything I said. GREAT pep and build work, and I really wish my finished look end up looking half as good a yours. It's plain beautiful.

Cheers all :D
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OK Progress :D Colour!
I am pleased to say I am done doing this faceplate. took me ages to get an even finish with the gold spray that I liked. and avoiding leaving fingerprints and such I had to resand through 6 layers of paint to start over...

And a for-show layer of clearcoat on the main helmet piece too, even though i need to clean up a few drips and re-layer some red on it.

Jawpiece is still in the garage undergoing heavy surgery, and is definitely not presentable as of now.

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Work done on faceplate: after the gold colour, used ink wash of dark grey to highlight the crack formed by screwheads. and then clearcoated.

upcoming later : the new and better looking jaw :)

Thanks for looking and if anyone has any tips to increase detail work quality I dont seem to have picked up, please let me know :)

Damnation, dude, that looks awesome! Especially for a first attempt, if I didn't know it was I'd think you was quite experienced!

Are those the card earpods or did you end up making it out of another material? cos those rounded out real nice if it was the original pepakura earpods!
What did you attach it to the helmet with btw?

Paint is looking awesome too, with some pretty clean lines at the side of the helmet!
Really hope my first project turns out as well as yours - looking forward to see the jaw attached, keep up the awesome work bro!

Any plans for future helmet projects?
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Thanks a lot, Madosheet :)

Yes the earpods are the original pepped ones, which is why their surface is warpy, which doesnt show very well on the pic. but basically they are still inferior and unsuitable, and i'm still trying to figure out how I want to make some new and improved ones.
They are not attached, they just kinda slot in the earpod socket and held by friction lol. if i touched the helmet they'd just slide off.
I'm hoping to do some work on the jaw today, if I dont screw anything up, I might even get it ready for paint today.

future projects once this one's done: choice of rest of iron man suit/daft punk helmets/newer better resized iron man helmet, probably mark 3. still a fair bit of tiem to decide on that though :)
Hey Damnation, I just ran across your thread here while I was searching for answers to some questions I have for this same helmet. I was making great headway on the pepakura cutting & gluing when I suddenly realized I had no idea how the separate parts were supposed to be handled within the workflow! Your documentation helps me a lot and thanks for hanging in there with this WIP!
Glad to be of any help, though I may just be complaining but i dont think the way I went about sculpting the different pieces was good. I 've seen many better results on these forums with people who built and shaped and detailed the whole thing together, and only then cut the separate pieces very carefully and have had to only do very minor fixes unlike mine did. it got them better symmetry than I can achieve and probably wastes less time. But then again I haven't tried that myself so I cant compare., but I will go that way on my next project.
A very good looking build. If you can put this much attention and detail into the rest of your suit it will turn out beautiful. Dont get rushed on the rest of the suit when it looks like your not making any progress. Even little steps forward and just that... steps forward towards the greater goal.
OK I couldnt resist, so that jaw isnt done getting painted, needs many more coats and a slight retexturing on the surface, BUT. i wanted to have it now that it's almost finished and can afford to start painting it. yayy :D

thi is what the helmet looks like all coloured and assembled. though atm its only assembled by being stacked on one another, no magnets/straps/hinges yet, working on that now.

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Discard the straw hinge setup, I thin kill go guide rail.

Also : Led installs in the eyes. Lenses to be added so that they can be seen through.

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Hey, a little progress since a while away.... 1 good thing one bad thing.
after a lil break from helmet, heres what's new :
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eye glow effect done. they are see-through. chip appeared in the faceplate when apparently the clearcoat i fused bonded with the table i left the mask to rest on.
I would really like a solution to fix this ugly tiny chip and hide it without re-doing the whole surface of the face, because im just not ready for that. HELP PLEASE D:

and I blew one of my sets of 3 of LED's so only one eye is actually lighting up for now...

I still wish I could say I can do this and finish it, because it looks so close, but after many tries I just cant build a solid sturdy hinge with the right dimensions for a smooth lift and lower of the faceplate. If anyone was able to help with that, I'd be infinitely thankful.
anyways... my tiny progress for such a long time. hope you like and such.. Cheers.
Eyes done, still looking for better smaller batteries than the 2 fat 9v batteries I got behind the face powering my 6 white leds.IMAG0416.jpg
also needs to install a switch to control it when its on helmet. not clipping the two wires on each eye.
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