Iron Man Mark VII Foam Costume Build - Video Update Page 3

Slowed down a little due to getting busy with other things. Also the fact I get lazy when the build gets to the legs.
Hope to get the thighs done hopefully today though.
I've been following this on Facebook and here. Great job, Stealth ;) I really like how you did the abs freehand...never realized it was that simple. Could you please post more pics on how that was made? :D I still can't figure out how to do the obliques and lower back part.
Thanks guys :)
Though, have to go back and rethink some of this before I add more progress.

I dislike the look of mechanizing my foam parts on my suit so far as I have mocked up a few things with the servos to test it out.
The main flaps were fine but I'd like to shorten them a bit as they're really not that long from looking at the reference. I'd like to add 2 more flaps on the sides of those flaps. as I find 2 flaps sort of boring or I'm just used to seeing 4 flaps from the mark III
There are an extra 2 by looking at the hot toys model.
(I think Don Robert has caught the 2 extra flaps as well on his suit.
I can't remember if it was his.)

Aside from the foam flaps, the real issue that bugged me were my Foam Forearms.
I plan on redoing the forearms in Resin. The upper forearm is fine in foam as it doubles as padding but the base Forearm needs to be more seamless with the forearm "cap" that's being motorized. It needs to be solid for it's base on it's activation as I'm firing a Nerf dart from both of them. (If I can't fully achieve this, I will just insert a dummy display missile)
I have something at the moment that looks promising though.

Trying to use this as a reference.

I will need to also create the thigh pods in the front of the thigh in resin , as I didn't like how the foam ones were looking. Hence why I haven't gone forward as of yet. It's the same issue in regards to the forearms.

So the base thigh piece will be foam with the missile pod in resin separate from the physical thigh itself. I've built the foam thigh base for both legs.
I just need to scratch build these Missile Pods sections custom so that they can do what I want. .

Reference for the Thigh Missile Pods.

I also have something really cool in store on another part of the suit but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
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Great work Stealth,been working on my MKVII,but prgress is a little slow bcause of scaling issues :facepalm, but i think i have it down to a tee
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