Well-Known Member
This is the first part to my re-make of the Iron Man Mark 6 armor. BTW this is my first pepakura. Any Advice (sorry for the blurry pics)
Dude that is awesome! Whose pep are you using? Would you mind sending me a link to it? I've been lookin for a good glove pep and Yours is great
I haven't been here for very long but I can say with some certaintly a few things that are probably shared by a few people here.
1. Don't spam new threads. You created three new threads in a row asking the same questions about slightly different projects. Combine them into one thread.
2. If we can't see the picture, we can't give advice. So I would invest in a slightly better camera.
3. Basically you did step one of a pep build and then asked for advice. My advice is to pep and build one helmet from >Resin>Fiber>Bondo>Sand>Paint, and then see where you are and seek advice. Asking for advice about pep is like buying a lego set and taking a picture of the instructions and pieces and asking what next.
Costuming is a very fun art form, so keep plugging away at it.
-edit: An easy way to get non blurry pics is to do tripod your camera. Even using a small stack of books and setting your phone/camera on it helps alot.
-Also, if you are doing alot of peping, If you arn't already, head over to the 405th(assumign it is online again) and read everything you can about what they do there. They are the pros at pepping.
I'm using magnets for that.BTW, does anyone know how to attach the top plate to the hand, I had trouble with my previous on I made.
sweet pep dude, could you pm me the files?
i attached the plate to the wrist section with a simple brass hinge, check out the pic
edit: just realised thats a terrible quality pic but you can make out the hinge painted red at the bottom of the plate
that looks awesome.... do you guys have to study workshop or something to be good at doing this?
from personal experince: not really.
just watch a few tutorials, ask a few people some questions and practise. thats how g to know peping, fiberglassing and body filling
I guess I got alot of things to learn..... I'm just starting. Seeing all this marvelous creations of everybody kinda inspired me to join
you really should! i myself started 2 years ago but it will only to take you a month of practise and learning to fully understand varios ways of doing this
This hobby wastes some money and quite a lot of time but it is fun and never ends!
I myself and starting to make a full Iron Man Mark VI suit. Hopefully will finiush gluing everything by the mid-December