why would that interfere? they will just do it after the avengers is done
robert downey jr made sherlock holmes between 1 and 2 and it didnt interfere.
and we probably wouldnt see an ironman3 until after sherlock holmes2 and the avengers are done anyways...(and with stark being a consultant who knows how big his role in the avengers movie will be)
favreau is also doing aliens vs cowboys (or whatever its called now) before he does anything on ironman3 as well.....
something about hollywood you need to know is they will keep making the movies as long as they keep bringing in the cash.....and ironman2 is doing just that.....so there are no reasons not to make a third.
I don't think it'll be possible to give Iron Man, or any of the main characters, a 'smallish' role in the Avengers movie. I think the whole 'consultant' thing isn't about reducing Tony's role on the team, Iron Man IS a founding member of that team, just as important as Thor or Cap.
It just sets up the story a little better. For instance, say Hulk is the baddie as is rumoured, Thor and Cap and whoever are getting their butts handed to them, Fury asks Tony to put on the suit and get out there. Just the scene of Downey and SamJack bantering that would be great to see, not to mention Tony dropping in to save the day like the Falcon in Ep. IV!
Downey Jr was on Stern a week ago saying he was doing IM3 and Avengers plus a couple of cameos in other marvel movies. he went on to say that IM3 would have nothing to do with other people getting their hands on Stark Technology - it would tie in with the Avengers and (according to him) the bad guys up till now have been NOTHING compared to the ones the Avengers are going to have to deal with and some of those baddies are going to go after Tony Stark - putting him out of league. On Writer's Block - He dropped hint that he was jealous of the Captain America movie because up till now Marvel has made movies about people who sort of stumble into the hero business - Captain America will be about the kind of guy who rushes headlong into disaster to save those who can't save themselves and people will understand why all of the other Heroes look up to him .