Iron Man 2 Race Track Suit

An Racetrack suit is not in leather. Its in fire resistant material (cant recall the name) Its a cevlar inspired material with very strong synthetic, wowen teqnique, Therby the logic of it not beeing leather.

I still think this suit is somethin you should do David!
the suit would be awesome to have, but whats the suit with out the race car?
Ok who's starting on the car, I've got the cogsworth fuel injection. :lol:
And your looking for the name NOMEX. :) Used to have a few suits made out of the stuff when I raced Superkart. :)

An Racetrack suit is not in leather. Its in fire resistant material (cant recall the name) Its a cevlar inspired material with very strong synthetic, wowen teqnique, Therby the logic of it not beeing leather.

I still think this suit is somethin you should do David!
the suit would be awesome to have, but whats the suit with out the race car?
Ok who's starting on the car, I've got the cogsworth fuel injection. :lol:
haha ya you got a point there but there is a place here in Los Angeles called speed zone haha its a place to race go karts so i dont mind wearing the suit and helmet when driving those go karts haha :lol
I was watching an ET behind the scenes thing last night cause I've been scetching out what I can of the design to get a better idea of how it looks, and I came across this (click for full-size):

It looks, from that picture, that the suit was actually in two parts. What do people think? I was thinking that it might be so that it was easier to move in, because he does have a lot of running around etc. in that scene.
While watching the flick I immediately thought of UD Replicas and figured that this suit couldn't be too far down the road.
Based on how i understood it, UD was not going to make this, unless they change their mind. .. I HOPE!!
Just puttin this out there but I would buy one if someone would make movie quality ones cuz it would give me an excuse to make the Mark V Armor (Suitcase Suit) from Ironman 2. I would wear it as the undersuit cuz its what he's forced to use in the scene.
Just puttin this out there but I would buy one if someone would make movie quality ones cuz it would give me an excuse to make the Mark V Armor (Suitcase Suit) from Ironman 2. I would wear it as the undersuit cuz its what he's forced to use in the scene.

Man, if someone made the jacket part, I would buy this just to wear. I would try to make it for myself, but my time is spread so thin right now I can't.

I hope more information about the suit becomes available to help this all along
I picked up one of the costume cards, with the swatch material. Hopefully I can get a match with that & have myself one bad-ass jacket. :thumbsup
Here are the gloves to the suit. I guess you have to start somewhere

Those aren't the same gloves that were used in the movie.

RDJ's have a diamond pattern on each knuckle.


Though it looks like at least two different pairs were used, cause I can't see the diamonds on these ones. In fact, they also look a lot thinner than the first pair of gloves.

Those aren't the same gloves that were used in the movie.

RDJ's have a diamond pattern on each knuckle.

Though it looks like at least two different pairs were used, cause I can't see the diamonds on these ones. In fact, they also look a lot thinner than the first pair of gloves.

My bad. I am totally mistaken. I never noticed the diamonds.

Thanks for the correction
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