Introducing Brand New Halo Master Chief Armor *FINISHED! New Pics on Pg 24!


Master Member
This helmet has been an on going project for my brother for over a year. He has been wanting to get into the industry and chose this helmet as a starting project to gain some good experience. he has taken his time and waited until one step was perfect before going on. To start, he made a computer 3d model of his head and sized the helmet model from the game to fit his head. We then did a lifecast of his head so he'd know exactly how big to make the helmet. He developed a really good system that insured symetry which is very hard to do when free sculpting. The helmet is slush cast in polyurethane plastic so it is very sturdy but light. It features motorcycle style foam lining on the inside and working LEDs on the sides. The paint job is a subtle 2 tone airbrushed, to replicate certain aspects of all the different variations of the helmet used in the game and in animations/promos. Tell me what you think!

Finished Product:



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:eek :eek :eek :eek :eek

DAMN that is good.

that is one hell of a sculpt. apparently there is a lot of room to breathe in that helmet considering where the chin is at on that lifecast.

very very VERY cool. i think i know what to bug santa for this year. (the talent to do this kinda stuff ;) )

Awesome. Is he going to continue on to revamp the armor or any weapons, or are you guys just sticking with the helmet project for now?
He will be doing the entire set of armor. weapons, I'm not sure. He's shooting for the release of Halo 3 to have the entire suit done.
:love Wow, always wanted one of these, never got a version of it though, I was never 100% impressed by whats out there, but thats by far the best version of this helmet I've seen. Im very very impressed :thumbsup
Great job.

Having made one myself, I know that's a tough one to cut your teeth on. Very impressive and clean.
BTW, how did you extract the model data from the file? I've heard of this being done but I've not figured it out yet..
That is a really good job.

It is really nice to see that scale was a factor in creating the helmet. I have seen lots of costume armor and heltmets alike when made look good/great, but when worn do not look good cuz it is not properly scaled to their size.

Great job. :thumbsup
Also, bonus points for wearing pants when taking the photo :lol

Just showed the thread off to a few friends of mine (just had a drunken halo party), and we all agree that this is the supreme badass halo helmet made so far.

big :thumbsup .

That is the very best interpretation of a MC helmet I ever saw, AWESOME....

May I ask about the secret to get the symmetry on the sculpt as well as archieving a smooth suface?

I´m working on a custom helmet myself and have serious problems getting it symmetrical and smooth enough for molding.

Thanks for all the positive feedback guys. I know he's really proud of it. This isn't the first project he's done. He also did the Crimson guard helmets for a few of the cobra guys at dragon con last year.

see more here.
I'll respond to all the pms later tonight. If you'd like more info about it please pm me and I'll put you in contact with my brother.