Into the World of Screen Used Fifth Element

Ull Dar Borealis

Well-Known Member
Hi All

Well here is my newest item. It did belong to a board member, but now its mine.:lol
A big thank you goes out to him.
Everthing I have own has been replicas mostly Star Wars items now I'm stepping into the world of screened used and with this items I LOVE it.

So here you go
I have other 5E items on the way to the Korban Blaster, Keys and others.

Will post as they come in;



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Very nice, congrats!!

I saw this as well, and if it wasn't for the fact i had bought my first screen used, i would of considered that!!!

Having your first screen used is awesome isn't it?

Again, well done and wish you many many years of enjoyment from owning!!
Very nice! Hopefully I'll be able to purchase something screen-used from The Fifth Element in this lifetime. :lol
Congrats! Thats a cool set.
I have many props from this movie, and from other movies as things about 5th props is the quality, they all have great quality and are a joy to "archive".
Congrats again!