Interest in Studio Scale Defiant?


Sr Member
I'm just getting a feel for whether or not any of you would be interested. Because this is one I want really bad, lol.

At studio scale it will be 47"


*sigh*.....passing up the Reliant yet again, I see...... ;)

But yes, I would be interested in your take on this, REL. :cool
Actually, that's in the works, and will probably happen before a Defiant.

1/350 scale



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Actually, that's in the works, and will probably happen before a Defiant.

Oh holy hell - that's great to hear!!!

I promise not to derail your thread any longer, but please keep us posted on your progress on the Reliant. :)
No Kidding - Where do I send my hard earned cash! a 1/350 Relaiant has been on my list from the moment that PL put out the 1/350 Refit!

As for the Defaint... I like it but it would be too big for me at 47" and I could not afford it unfortunaltely... and I have a feeling that the Slave 1 is going to produce a giant sucking noise that my wallet can not resist...

Jedi Dade
Holy crap... I need a prop room

47" is absolutely massive. That's longer than the enterprises. Sorry Rich, until I can find more room I can't partake in this project.

But rest assured as soon as I can figure out how incoming ships, models and props will fit.. I will try my best to make room.

This ship would be absolutely amazing to get.
Holy crap... I need a prop room

47" is absolutely massive. That's longer than the enterprises. Sorry Rich, until I can find more room I can't partake in this project.

But rest assured as soon as I can figure out how incoming ships, models and props will fit.. I will try my best to make room.

This ship would be absolutely amazing to get.

Count me in as a client for a Reliant, but I'm not as pliant for a Defiant.

it's a little too giant.:lol

a half scale (about 24") would be as big as I could justify
How about doing it in at 1/350 like the others? 47" is not too long for me, but the width would be pretty hard to fit. No way to lay that beastie alongside a wall when it's probably 40" wide. A 1/350 would display perfectly with your Ktinga, the Refit, your Reliant, and then this! What a fantastic fleet that would be! I'll be in for sure at 1/350 scale, but not this big (due to width issues). Thanks!

I don't know how big it would be at 1/350 scale, in fact, I can't find an official length for the Defiant.
Yea.. ertl made one that was 1/420 (?).

The problem with the size and the length is because they did a bunch of the action scenes in CG. The star trek "universe" has the same problem with the delta flyer. No one can figure out it's size. Sometimes it took up the whole shuttlebay to the point where it shouldn't have even been able to fit through the shuttlebay doors.

I think using the 120 meters would be sufficient to satisfy most people.
One of my 2 favorite Trek ships (just slightly behind Voyager) Not sure I could actually get it, but it is a great idea, and I would be interested if I could fit in in my budget.
The actual scale is not as important to me as having a model in a great size (that 3-4 foot length)

**consider this a plug for a large size Voyager as well - :thumbsup
Yeah, that 1/350 size is indeed too small for your skills. I'll have to gauge my interest based on how much it costs. It is definitely a cool ship though.
Yea.. ertl made one that was 1/420 (?).

Still, even though Ertl made one, it would be nice to see one get done in that scale that is accurate. The Ertl suffered from some overall shape problems, especially in how the nose was positioned...