Interest? BSG Viper pilot flightsuit material


Legendary Member
This is an exploratory thread ONLY, not really an official "sign-up" thread... But, is anyone here interested in ordering some of the Sommers Marasite material used as the basis for the Viper Pilot flightsuit?

A bunch of us are trying to hit a minimum number to make the order happen over in this thread...

great , glad im not the only one who was wanting to do this. I posted this somewhere else but got no response. count me in on my 10 yards :lol
We've finally been able to track down the original material and are placing an order now if anyone wants in. This Sommers fabric is incredible tough to get and there's a chance they may not even be making any more after this. If anyone is interested, please check out this thrwad over at asap:

This will be the second run of this fabric and more than likely the very last run. Sommers no longer makes this fabric but has to have it custom made. These guys are very very close to making this order minimum so anyone who wants in on this better do so now. This may be your last chance ever.