Independence Day: Resurgence

Well the UN is involved so they're screwed. They would not want to call it "an invasion" (like genocide...) because they would have to do something.

It looks pretty cool though!
This kind of looks fun. I remember the awful action figures that came with a floppy disk!

Ever try to play the lame game that came on that floppy disk? I spent hours trying to figure out how to fly the invader ship. Without success.
Almost as frustrating as the E.T. Atari game.
Well, hoping it's more serious film and less bull**** at the end like the last one. Also, no Will Smith is a plus at this point. He's a disaster and a disgrace of self cliche'd roles in these films. Better he not be in it at all. I think I can do with one less 'ah hell no' and be quite happy.
While I agree with you totally about Will Smith it's not like Jeff Goldblum is all that much better, the main difference is that he's been in few movies.
Well, hoping it's more serious film and less bull**** at the end like the last one. Also, no Will Smith is a plus at this point. He's a disaster and a disgrace of self cliche'd roles in these films. Better he not be in it at all. I think I can do with one less 'ah hell no' and be quite happy.

While I agree with you totally about Will Smith it's not like Jeff Goldblum is all that much better, the main difference is that he's been in few movies.

Found out why Will Smith's not in the movie.

According to the IMDB Trivia Page for the movie, "Will Smith was supposed to reprise the role of Captain Steven Hiller, but Fox refused to meet his request for a $50 million salary for two sequels."

I had a sneaking suspicion that it would come down to Smith saying "pay me what I think I'm worth" and the studio saying "LOL nope."

Apparently the level of "Nope" he got from Fox was so high that they killed the character off in a training accident between films.

Part of that just makes me chuckle uncontrollably.
Actually looks better than I expected. I feel like if laser rifles, a few cannons, and mods to Raptor jets are the best they could come up with from the alien tech after 20 years, they deserve to get their butts handed to them.

I feel like I might actually see this...

Found out why Will Smith's not in the movie.

According to the IMDB Trivia Page for the movie, "Will Smith was supposed to reprise the role of Captain Steven Hiller, but Fox refused to meet his request for a $50 million salary for two sequels."

I had a sneaking suspicion that it would come down to Smith saying "pay me what I think I'm worth" and the studio saying "LOL nope."

Apparently the level of "Nope" he got from Fox was so high that they killed the character off in a training accident between films.

Part of that just makes me chuckle uncontrollably.

Apparently the Will Smith of today thinks he's still the Will Smith of 5-10 years ago. $50million? Is he out of his flippin mind. Did he not see After Earth? That along should knock his value down by 50% of whatever he was worth before. When I actually look at his filmography he hasn't even done a whole lot lately to make him ever worth $50million. I Am Legend was ok. Hancock was awesome. MiB3 was ok. 2 was a turd. MiB was great, but not just because of him. I, Robot was ok. Bad Boys movies don't really do it for me... they're <ok. Someone should remind him he's not Tom Cruise and never has been.
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Actually looks better than I expected. I feel like if laser rifles, a few cannons, and mods to Raptor jets are the best they could come up with from the alien tech after 20 years, they deserve to get their butts handed to them.

I feel like I might actually see this...

Apparently the Will Smith of today thinks he's still the Will Smith of 5-10 years ago. $50million? Is he out of his flippin mind. Did he not see After Earth? That along should knock his value down by 50% of whatever he was worth before. When I actually look at his filmography he hasn't even done a whole lot lately to make him ever worth $50million. I Am Legend was ok. Hancock was awesome. MiB3 was ok. 2 was a turd. MiB was great, but not just because of him. I, Robot was ok. Bad Boys movies don't really do it for me... they're <ok. Someone should remind him he's not Tom Cruise and never has been.

I definitely agree with the salary argument, but I also think part of his absence from this film is him thinking he's "above" another ID movie and trying to do more "serious" work. However....those aren't his strongest films.
Am I the only one who thinks this isn't a needed movie at all?

the first one was a PERFECT, fun, action adventure flick. What Michael Bay WISHES he could produce.
so, you bring out an even bigger ship, more aliens....less crazy scientologist will smith(at least I think he was one last I checked) and his goofy family (you know that kid of his would have found someway into this flick)....and it's more of the same...only probably done less spectacularly....

judd hirsch is probably thankful for more work though between this and sharknado two.
Am I the only one who thinks this isn't a needed movie at all?...

I'm on the fence about this. On one hand, I thought ID4 had some of THE greatest depictions of alien organisms/ships in cinema history, and would love to see them again in some capacity. However, in this day and age of unnecessary CGI that still looks fake dictating the plots for summer blockbusters, I can't help but think this won't have nearly the same impact (or charm) as the original.
Sadly this is going to be a cgi turdfest full of scifi channel quality cgi.

I think it's "Lord of the Rings Syndrome"...where you HAVE to include massive CGI clusters to wow and awe movie-goers. Even movies that shouldn't have them (Upcoming Tarzan,if you've seen the trailer) feature wide-panned shots of endless CGI.
I definitely agree with the salary argument, but I also think part of his absence from this film is him thinking he's "above" another ID movie and trying to do more "serious" work. However....those aren't his strongest films.

Serious as in Suicide Squad serious or above sequels as in Bad Boys 3 and 4?

He'd be a fool to deny that ID4 wasn't one of the blockbuster films that furthered his action movie career. Unless he read the script and saw it as the big budget, special effects turd it probably will be, he should hardly diss his legacy. :)
... Unless he read the script and saw it as the big budget, special effects turd it probably will be, he should hardly diss his legacy. :)

Oh man, I didn't even think of that possibility. That just blew my mind right now.....the script could legitimately be a giant turd sandwich.
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