In Hand Pics. Hot Toys P2


New Member
This is much nicer than I thought it would be, and nicer than my crappy pics indicate. Great addition to my collection. :)







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I'm a little confused, didn't they make a Predator 2 already, or is Hit Toys makeing some remakes? They also made a new Jungle hunter rught?

I really like most of the Hot toys, but they are to expensive for me, Neca is a great alternative and meanwhile I enjiy looking at collection pictures :)
cloacked Bobskink said:
I'm a little confused, didn't they make a Predator 2 already, or is Hit Toys makeing some remakes? They also made a new Jungle hunter rught?
I really like most of the Hot toys, but they are to expensive for me, Neca is a great alternative and meanwhile I enjiy looking at collection pictures :)
It is a re-release and a re-sculpt, which I think is a better rendition of the original.
Guan-thwei said:
It is a re-release and a re-sculpt, which I think is a better rendition of the original.
well, there's almost nothing in its headsculpt that renders the original... actually their first P2 had a way more accurate sculpt.
Just got this figure the other day and love it, the original P2 head sculpt is alot more accurate in my opinion but the paint app and body and extras are much better, worth the purchase if your a fan of the P2 look! I made a review of this figure with all the extras displayed such as open and closed mandibles, oxygen mask, bio mask, damaged arm etc etc on my YouTube if you guys have time I'd really appreciate you check it out :)
uruk said:
well, there's almost nothing in its headsculpt that renders the original... actually their first P2 had a way more accurate sculpt.
Sorry I just don't see it. I don't know if it is the paint that makes the sculpt or not. The new one is way better, but still not getting it though.
...and either way anyone looks at it... we know that is supposed to be City Hunter. Therefore we know that the sculptor on the job is doing their best to convey that and make it look as identical to him as they can with what images they have to work off of.
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