Impressive refit and drydock

Wow, I followed the dry dock build for a long time and then forgot about turned out far far better than I expected and I expected alot!!!! :)

Kits are amazing but the way the pics are shot is also excellent....great work on all.

Impressive, that thing is unbelievable. It crosses that not to subtle line between inspirational and unbelievably discouraging. Seeing something like that does not always inspire me to build. This one leaves me with a kind of "oh for the love of peat, I give up feeling" I wont of course, but the talent out there is very humbling.
Impressive is an understatement. That guy is a modeling god.

It's honestly hard to tell this guy's build from the studio models.
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I'd love to see some higher res photos of this... it really does look just like the movie. Look at that arm with the lights on the hexagon!
I find pretty cool that Lords of Modeling here in the RPF are still amazed by the great work of other guys.....that sounds good :thumbsup