Imperial Shuttle model "re-build"


Master Member
Got this model from an old roomate. I don't know when he put it together, but I think he didn't really want to spend much time on building it :lol I've had this sitting in my room forever, so I've decided to take this thing apart and see if I can give it some justice.

Most of the issues is how/where he applied adhesive; dripped onto parts it should be. Also, very wide gaps between seam lines...typical half-fast model build.

Anyways, just got done with taking it apart without trying to damage it any further. It has pretty much everything except for the landing gears. He had taking the landing gear hatches and attached them in a manner that was very wrong.

I plan to just really clean this up and give it a decent paint job. Debating if I am gonna attempt to scratch build new landing gears or close those compartments.





I had pretty good luck with my Imperial shuttle build as it seemed to go together with no problems. The top wing is a little bit short from front to back and the nose droops a bit too much compared to the studio model (MPC I believe used the set piece plans which had a more angled down nose), but build it and give it a good paintjob and you can end up with a nice looking model. I decided to go a little different route with mine, but except for some minor detail updates to the gun mounts on the fronts of the side wings and some new pilot figures (along with the color scheme), it is pretty much an OOB build:



The rest of the photos can be found here: Alliance Shuttle/
Thanks for the input and the pics! I was actually just thinking about permanently attaching the canopy and giving it a solid shiny black coat. Your's looks amazing!

What brand of paint did you use for your shuttle? Thanks!
I used Testors Model Master brand paints on mine, all airbrushed. Specifically the base color was Model Master FS Light Gray, my color of choice for Imperial (even captured Imperial) subjects since it is a "cool" gray (bluish tint)as opposed to a "warm" gray (tannish tint). I might have used Tamiya for some of the accent coloring and Tamiya flat red was used for the rebel crest on the tail.

For my canopy I did a coating of Tamiya TS-71 Smoke over the inside of it. I had to do it twice as I screwed up the first canopy and had to grab a spare from a second kit. As such, the second kit will probably be a kitbash parts source or that canopy will just get the black treatment. Technically, black on the canopy would be accurate for the Imperial shuttle as although it seems that while ILM built their big studio model a with cockpit interior, they just blacked out the canopy on it (maybe they didn't like the look of a clear canopy).
I used Testors Model Master brand paints on mine, all airbrushed. Specifically the base color was Model Master FS Light Gray, my color of choice for Imperial (even captured Imperial) subjects since it is a "cool" gray (bluish tint)as opposed to a "warm" gray (tannish tint). I might have used Tamiya for some of the accent coloring and Tamiya flat red was used for the rebel crest on the tail.

For my canopy I did a coating of Tamiya TS-71 Smoke over the inside of it. I had to do it twice as I screwed up the first canopy and had to grab a spare from a second kit. As such, the second kit will probably be a kitbash parts source or that canopy will just get the black treatment. Technically, black on the canopy would be accurate for the Imperial shuttle as although it seems that while ILM built their big studio model a with cockpit interior, they just blacked out the canopy on it (maybe they didn't like the look of a clear canopy).

Yea, the canopy is shot on this one and I'm not looking to buy another kit for just that piece. It appears he used two different kinds of adhesive on this, and one kind made like a "burn" mark across the inside of it. Plus, I think it looks cooler completly blacked out.

As for the paints, yea, I don't own an airbrush :unsure Gotta be all spray paint or by hand. I'll figure somethin. lol I can always paint it with primer grey.

As for the paints, yea, I don't own an airbrush :unsure Gotta be all spray paint or by hand. I'll figure somethin. lol I can always paint it with primer grey.Thanks!

Check out the Tamiya spray paints. Should be able to find them in any good hobbyshop. The best spray can paint I've ever used. Try them and you won't ever want to go back to Krylon or other hardware store spray paints.
Check out the Tamiya spray paints. Should be able to find them in any good hobbyshop. The best spray can paint I've ever used. Try them and you won't ever want to go back to Krylon or other hardware store spray paints.

Sure hope they make an accurate jango blue then to replace the krylon for jango helmets :lol
The FS Light Gray shade is available in spray can form from both Testors and Tamiya (in their AS color line, i.e. "aircraft spray"). I used the Tamiya spray color on a Fine Molds TIE Fighter I did back in 2006 and it turned out well. The shade matched the Testors one almost exactly.
The FS Light Gray shade is available in spray can form from both Testors and Tamiya (in their AS color line, i.e. "aircraft spray"). I used the Tamiya spray color on a Fine Molds TIE Fighter I did back in 2006 and it turned out well. The shade matched the Testors one almost exactly.

Thanks! I'll be sure to search for it. Fortunatly, the only local hobbyshop is rather large and has a decent paint section I'll be able to sift through. Just waiting until I get paid after the weekend