Imperial Code/Rank cylinders- what is everyone using?

Is there a brand name I should be looking for? Do you know if they're still manufactured?

Thanks, Mike!
I have no idea if there is a brand name to look for on these but try searching for Radiation Dosimeter.

You can also go with the X-pilot style code cylinder, see the photo bellow.

Ask OdiWan...he's sold accurate dosimeters in the JY on many occasions. Found some mother lode of 'em in the UK, the lucky bastid. ;)
Very close, but the right ones don't flare out at the bottom and have a blue ring protruding up top.
The exact information for the correct ones copied directly from the packaging:

Dosimeter No.2A (2)

The dosimeters themselves only have 6665-110101 and the individual Serial No.

That way you can at least confirm the model number if any are found.

I sold about 500 dosimeters awhile back, but my source is completely out now.

The chalk holders are a common solution based on the Visual Dictionary picture. Those code cylinder props were fan made though so they're not screen accurate at all.
I hate to bump an old thread...but what do you think 2 dosimeters are worth with the original larger canister? $50? Or have they gone up in value at all? :lol

I'm not going to do the display I thought I would anymore and don't need them.
There are a lot of people using chalk holders you can find at school supply stores and the like. Works in a pinch until you can get something more accurate.