Hi all. I had the good fortune of picking up the Illusive HIC some months ago from a friend who outgrew it.
I like the HIC but the panels are somewhat lacking. I'm thinking of upgrading them with darthchromer panels.
I've searched the forum but have not managed to find information on anyone having changing their Illusive Concepts HIC panels.
Has anyone done it before? Would be grateful if someone can chime in on how easy or difficult it is to remove and replace the panels.
Thanks in advance.
I like the HIC but the panels are somewhat lacking. I'm thinking of upgrading them with darthchromer panels.
I've searched the forum but have not managed to find information on anyone having changing their Illusive Concepts HIC panels.
Has anyone done it before? Would be grateful if someone can chime in on how easy or difficult it is to remove and replace the panels.
Thanks in advance.