IJ Staff of Ra Headpiece chain and baubles


Sr Member
Hello, all.

I seriously searched and searched around here for past discussions about this and came up empty.

Serenade's very fine Headpiece of the Staff of Ra chains for sale in the JY got me wanting to do the chain for myself, but MAN, shared info on it is so hard to come by! Good frame grabs are equally difficult to find.

The two modestly helpful framegrabs on originalprop.com show a much larger diameter coin than Serenade's last run, although I see his new run sports a larger coin which looks better to me.

Anyone got an idea of what the coin's diameter is? Relative to the Headpiece, which is about 3 1/2", I'm guessing 1" or slightly larger.

Any help is appreciated! My thanks in advance!

The size given for the head piece in the Archives book is 9x1x10cm.
With that you should be able to scale everything out.
If you could find the actual coin used it would help with scaling as well.

Also if you haven't already look around Club Obi Wan (COW) for some info.

The size given for the head piece in the Archives book is 9x1x10cm.
With that you should be able to scale everything out.
If you could find the actual coin used it would help with scaling as well.

Also if you haven't already look around Club Obi Wan (COW) for some info.


I have an Elstree Headpiece and it measures almost exaclty 3 1/4 inches from side to side. 9 or 10cm is almost 4 inches.
Thanks to everyone!

I actually had been to COW and found a disappointing lack of info there, too. Almost all the conversation was about the headpiece itself.

And I could find no LFL archive photos of the headpiece WITH the chain and baubles to scale it to.

Agent5, thanks for those grabs, the best I've seen.

OK, the Acme Artifacts headpiece which I have (not with me here right now to measure, unfortunately) is supposedly 3.5" wide. So that means it's a bit overscale?

If I Photoshop that 1st frame grab agent5 posted into 1:1 scale, a 3.5" headpiece makes for an approximately 1" coin. And the links of the chain would be under 1/4", maybe 5mm or so.

So that's what I'll go with.

Many, many thanks for your posts one and all! If I come up with anything decent, perhaps I'll post pix of the finished product.

BTW, even though the description on their site says it is 3.5" W, the Acme Artifacts headpiece is, in fact, 3.25" W.

hey Rick

don't mean to hijack your thread, but does anyone know the proper way to put the chain onto the headpiece?

the pics that "agent5" posted are great, but I still can't really tell how it goes on there

it looks like it loops around somehow


Here is mine that I put together a couple years ago.



The chain loops on the ends and these go through the center of the headpiece. The coin is 1 inch wide but the links in the chain are about an 1/8 of an inch, too small I believe.

Does this help?
DBCooper, not sure I understand what you've got going on there with the loops under the stones - never seen anything like that before. I don't get how you attach it to the headpiece. Maybe I'm dense...

Please pardon the down and dirty illustration, but the attached picture is how most people put their chains on their headpieces.

Drop one looped end of the chain through the opening in the center of the headpiece, then slip the rest of the chain through and pull it through to the other side. It's harder to explain than it is to do! :lol

Hope that is helpful.

Thanks Rick, that really helps

So does it loop onto the headpiece with the "coin" closest to the headpiece or the stones closest to the headpiece?

See my crappy pics...



**at least I'm not being particular...:lol