IG-88 has been Cloned! New Pics Pg 3


Sr Member
More pics to come...



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Re: IG-88 has been Cloned!

I can't believe it took this long for someone to do this.
Good job!
Re: IG-88 has been Cloned!

I've been very much on the lookout for one of these as well - if they are available for purchase, please contact me!
Re: IG-88 has been Cloned!

I've been wanting to for years. This will make it a bit easier. I'm almost done with one of the cast heads. All painted and greeblied. Finishing up the "eyes" tonight.

Re: IG-88 has been Cloned!

Interested to see how you do the eyes. I've had my IG-88 head painted and greeblied for ages but have never gotten around to getting him some yes.
Re: IG-88 has been Cloned!

I'm cutting the base out of wood, generally in the same shape as far as I can tell. I'm not sure yet how I should attach them though. Maybe a combination of glue and screws. I have a couple of unusual metal tubes that I'll use for eyes. I found them at an electronics surplus store years ago that I intended for this purpose. I think I'm going to put a couple red LEDs inside each, in case I ever get the urge to trick it out.

Re: IG-88 has been Cloned!

Awesome, man. I got to see one of those original engines a few years ago at a local RPF prop party. Great to see someone making clones! ;)
Re: IG-88 has been Cloned!

Here's what I did yesterday and tonight:




That's the gray one in the first pics, finished off. I dunno...are the eyes too big?

I need to find some red gel so I can light the interior red. Any suggestions where to get that? A photography store?

I stuck some LEDs in the eyes for the heck of it.

To clarify, this is a casted piece, not the original metal can. I'm really happy with my paint job. Turned out to be a lot easier than I thought.

Re: IG-88 has been Cloned!

Your metal colored paints and weathering actually look better (as compared to the colors of the original prop) than your original flame tube! :confused


Very nice!
Re: IG-88 has been Cloned!

They're looking really good Scott

Well done - as others have said, great to have someone attack something really different


Re: IG-88 has been Cloned!

Not sure about gel coat for the eyes, but I used thick red plastic from the cover of a folder which looks pretty good.



Reference images of the eyes are pretty poor, but I don't think they should be joined

Re: IG-88 has been Cloned!

Seems like the eyes should be joined at the bottom at least, by a bar of some kind.

For the interior lighting, I didn't mean gel coat, but a lighting gel that is used in photography and stage lighting. Floppy, colored pieces of transparent plastic that are put in front of lights to change their color.
