I have a dream!!!!


Sr Member
So..a while back this idea hit me...and it finally looks like it will happen. I love my TOS BSG Studio stuff, and I love F+M's MK2 nicely in scale with it and of course I love Wolsters awesome Raiders...but as I see it...my ceiling won't be complete without one of these babies in scale pealing away from the action. Its still a long way off, but I thought I would share what there is and Ill try to keep you guys up with the progress as it comes. I know its a long way off right now, and I probably shouldn't be getting anyones hopes up, especially my own, but hopefully, in the end, it will be as cool as I dream it will be. :) (opening doors, lights, figures, the works. )

Here are a few more pictures.

BTW...I am not the person sculpting this...I'm not that talanted (yet.. ) Im also not the person talanted enough to draw it out (thanks CW. ) I'm just the person who "needed it" ;) It will be in 1/24 scale...and suprisingly about the same length as the MK2...though wider. Someday it's going to look cool...I know right where in my room itll hang.

Originally posted by Jestefarean@Jun 23 2005, 04:19 AM
Last one for now...wish me luck (please. )



Great, you guys really won't be happy until you have all my money will you?

Seriously, looks like a great start. I was hoping to see one of these get done. I hope that some day I'll have the time to scratch build some of my own stuff.

Heck, I can barely find the time to finish the kits I buy.

I look forward to seeing future progress shots. Thanks for sharing.

Originally posted by Jestefarean@Jun 23 2005, 01:16 AM
So..a while back this idea hit me...and it finally looks like it will happen.  I love my TOS BSG Studio stuff, and I love F+M's MK2 nicely in scale with it and of course I love Wolsters awesome Raiders...but as I see it...my ceiling won't be complete without one of these babies in scale pealing away from the action.  Its still a long way off, but I thought I would share what there is and Ill try to keep you guys up with the progress as it comes.  I know its a long way off right now, and I probably shouldn't be getting anyones hopes up, especially my own, but hopefully, in the end, it will be as cool as I dream it will be. :)  (opening doors, lights, figures, the works. )



Oh man, what a way to start the day . Please tell me that this is going to be available as a kit ? (PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE .) It looks great and would look great in a (big) display with the MII and MK VII vipers... Please keep us posted.
This is turning into a great summer for models :)
That's awesome Jesse... Hope it makes it to completion.. Now we just need to see a MK VII.

Originally posted by cobywan@Jun 23 2005, 02:36 AM
Thanks.  Those shots show me exactly what to draw next.

Thanks for doing the drawing. :) .

Thanks for the positive comments all....Ill keep posting pics as it comes together.
Originally posted by Dobber@Jun 23 2005, 08:40 AM
That's awesome Jesse... Hope it makes it to completion.. Now we just need to see a MK VII.


From mutterings I've heard from Frank and Moe inc. the Mk VII is in the works....
sides are getting closer...door fram shape and the indents next to it are coming together (both were a pain Im told. )

There have been some interesting problems. I knew the 1:1 and the CG model were different...but I didn't realize just how different they were...now its starting to become clear that on the details they are in some cases not even close. Its been hard to decide whether to match the CG or the 1:1... (any thoughts on this? Which is cannon? )

That's a tough call. Since this was built as a full-size, 360-degree set piece and fully detailed, I would probably match the set piece. The CG model has not spent a huge amount of time on screen -- not enough that you could spot all the details on it. Then again, neither has the set piece, unless you count all the cockpit scenes (which was a separate set I believe). Well, it's easily argued either way.
Originally posted by star-art@Jul 2 2005, 04:12 PM
That's a tough call. Since this was built as a full-size, 360-degree set piece and fully detailed, I would probably match the set piece. The CG model has not spent a huge amount of time on screen -- not enough that you could spot all the details on it. Then again, neither has the set piece, unless you count all the cockpit scenes (which was a separate set I believe). Well, it's easily argued either way.

Pick one ( cgi or the full sized one) and go for it. As long as your true to one or the other, no one can nit pick. Great work. Can't wait to see it done... and a kit of it in my mail box . ;)
Where do you think he got is reference? ;) I didn't provide it myself, but I did hook him up. . .

Now who's going to build us all a Shuttle MkII?
