Are we talking Palpatine? If so, which version?
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I saw the real robe on tour and the fabric is simply the checkered pattern fabric used for thermal undergarments. You might be able to find it in black, but chances are you'll have to get the white and dye it black.
Not likely. The only way you can do this is if you had it factory dyed. There may be a specialty dye out there that can do this too, but if you're planning on buying some RIT off the shelf and dying a piece of fabric black, it ain't gonna happen. The most you'll get is a charcoal grey. Its just the nature of the dye. There are tricks to get it darker like mixing green in to offset the red base, but if you want a true black, it doesn't happen.
There is an auction on ebay right now for a really nice sidious robe with that wonderful waffle weave fabric, looks VERY accurate. No, not the ROTJ that you are looking for, but worth a look for sure. Just search under jedi robe and you will see it. I would post the link, but I can't remember if we are allowed to do that??
There are products that may work to get the fabric black, but the reason rit dye simply fails is that all dyed fabrics today are typically treated with a colorfast solution that prevents staining.......or in this case additional dye. There are solutions which can reverse this state and allow the dye to penetrate the fabrics. I want to say that Rit also carries this solution.......I know they carry the colorfast solution so I can only guess they have the other as well. Another type of dye used on harder to dye fabrics such as nylons and polyesters is a company called Aljo. Their dyes may work much better than rit, because it's the makeup of the solvent itself which makes the fabric "accept" dyes they wouldn't otherwise. Try Aljo and see if it works better for a pre-dyed material better than Rit.
Actually, I believe that the original fabric was indeed white and dyed black.
The original is a dark charcoal-ish black, the same that you would get with traditional non-industrial dying.
I found black monk's cloth when working on a Garindan costume. That might work.
$9 a yard, 60" wide. I'm going to look around some more, though.
Photos can play tricks but this fabric actually does seem the closest yet to the ROTJ weave. The cut seems screen-accurate as well...:thumbsup
Well, a paint job that good definitely deserves the correct fabric so good luck in your search! Good camera too!!![]()