How to Do cheap Arc light effect under shirt?


Well-Known Member
Howdy folks! I'd like to do a budget Tony Stark, and I thought a light under the tank would be neat. I know there is a "Arc tank" avail for sale in the junkyard, but I figured that someone here might have cool idea how to actually do a "lighted" effect for a tank top.

any ideas?

Well, there are all kinds of ways to do one.
Probably the most simple way would be to add a cutout on top of a LED touchlight.
If I were you I'd check and search for "arc reactor".
There you should find plenty of helpful tutorials.

It depends on your definition of cheap. I got the thinkgeek shirt for $30 and I am very happy with it, especially since the disk thickness makes the light appears to be in the right location rather than sticking out.
As said in a few of the reply's here, is deffo the site to check out. Immediately it made me think of this tut/arc reactor : The 15-dollar, 15-minute Arc Reactor.

Not the most screen accurate by any means but quick and easy for sure. If you look at the right bar you'll see a bunch of other tuts on arch reactors.