Highlander Movie Sword Poll


Sr Member
Out of the choices of an Highlander 2 or Highlander 3 katana which would you choose and why. Sal's is a good idealized version of an H1 in my opinion. But the 2 that really showed the most detail in the films were the H2 and H3.

So if you had a choice between screen accurate versions of either what would you choose? A screen accurate H3? A screen accurate H2 with the chewed up guard? Or an H2 with a newer looking guard?

It would be the H3 for me, I love the old ivory look to it.


That would be a good idea. On the topic....wasn't there someone oh say a year ago....selling a mould for the original H1 grip/handle? What ever happened to that guy? 'Cause I sure would like to buy one.....

TAZ that would be cool to find an H1 mould, wonder who it was hmmm....

Well I guess we could compare screen caps for the H2 and H3. The 1st is a hero H2 is private collection and the other is a H3 on display at Planet Hollywood in Florida.
Personally, I would say Highlander 3.
Probably because it was the easiest to see the sculpt on (in scenes where its broken if I recall). I have the one from Marto and while I DO like it, it would be nice to have a screen accurate one.
;) the broken blade might help keep the price down too...
hmm.. actually that would be an awesome prop to have on the coffee table. It would DEFINATELY raise some eyebrows.
That would be a cool coffee table prop. Nice aged look to it like the pic. I personally would want a full sword but I could see the charm to a broken prop version.

It almost looks like they used 2 hilts. When he 1st puts in down and it rolls it looks white but right before she picks it up and tosses it to him it has a more aged tan ivory look to it. hmmmm

Which finish do you guys like?
I know very little regarding the material of the hilt so therefore, as long as it looks like the one pictured below, i am all good.
LOL I'm all good! Yea I would be too! I love how it has that slick look to it, nice aged glossy look in that shot. Its funny how so many people have wanted these for so long but they are so elusive to the collector.
The H3 seems to be getting alot of interest here! Every time I post about the Highlander katana anywhere, everyone says the H1 was the best. Hey it might have been the best movie, but H3 has the best sword!