High Res Screen Grab of Disney Movie Logo?


Well-Known Member
My daughter broke the news of what she's asking for, from Santa. Well, one of the things at least. She's 11.

She wants a big poster of the new version of Disney's movie opening logo, like this one...


I've got WinVideo, but the screen grabs that it takes, won't give ultra resolution enough to upload it to one of the internet poster sites, to have it printed out with decent enough clarity.

How do I go about this?
Holy cow, Joe! :eek

I'm sorry, I didn't see those till just now. Thank you SO much! How cool of you. (y)D

I actually was shown this image on Flickr... http://www.flickr.com/photos/heredia/2871042874/sizes/o/

It's not as high a resolution as what you got off of Blue Ray though.

I already sent in that version to these guys...http://www.largeformatposters.com/, for them to print up for me. I adjust the size of it in Photoshop and increased the pixels of that image, to 600. It was a big upload, but it was the best I could find at the time.

How high of a pixel resolution can you do a screen grab in?

Thanks again. I don't know why or how I didn't see this before.
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The biggest resolution of that logo out there is 1920 px x 1080 px; Maybe a tad less high because of the aspect ratio. The Resolution is 72 DPI Tough.