"High Impact Urethane" War Machine Build


New Member
Hey everyone! I had started last week a build of iron man in foam. Well, after buying all my wife and I could find at our 4, yes 4 local Wal Marts, we have hit a major snag in the foam mat world. There are none, and won't be any for a while. So, I have decided to go make a war machine out of "high impact urethane".
I am using Fetts iron man trash,... I mean high impact urethane template, as just that, a starting place.
I am hitting this full force, and will put up all my secrets as I go. Super stoked to get going, and, well..... I am going to do just that right now.
Will post something tonight. Hope to have chest completed tonight. Might be a late night, but I can sleep when I am dead.
im very excited to see i would add goodwills and other chain thirft stores to your routine and get rubber maid bind for about 4 bucks and if they have a large quanity (5 or 6) they can poissbly make it cheaper and invest in a plastic welder either a higher end pvc rod fed style or low temp soldering iron style for the inside i made an iron patriot suit with this method and had my trial and error and my next suit im sure will be a ton better. and invest in a heat gun and some thick gloves post lots and lots im very excited to see
I am new to these forums and VERY interested in what you are doing for the Warmachine suit, sounds promising. No updates , I hope you havent given up.