Heroes: ... is anyone even watching?


Sr Member

ok, so next week is the season finale of Heroes..... does anyone care?
lets see... Nathan is dead... does anyone care?
Sylar is a good guy again for the umpteenth time? does anyone care?

This show started out so freakin strong. season one was, and still is awesome. heck even season 2 was good... short... but good.
3 was pretty weak.... and this... wow... season 4? just sad..... the whole carnival thing is annoying. I hope it at least ends strong and makes all of these mindlessly slow episodes make some sense and meaning.
We watch it at my house, but I stopped discussing it here because it seems like the majority of the discussors just watched it to bash it.
I ain't ever seen it to begin with, I'm afraid... It's somewhere on that long list of things I have to get around to watching.

I heard it's good, though.
Barely watching it.
This whole Carnival storyline got old REAL fast. I'm watching to see what happens, but I've been fast forwarding through parts because it's gotten sooooo boring.
I'm still watching, but it doesn't have the "magic" of season 1. I actually kinda enjoy the Samuel character, he reminds me a little of Magneto. Not in powers, but more in philosophy.
I originally thought I'd watch it, but I heard nothing good about Seasons 2 and onward. It struck me as yet another show that was driven by "the mystery" and such, and would end up probably disappointing in the end or surviving by answering one question by asking two more. That kind of thing is fun, but unless you know it's going somewhere and actually is going to end well, I have little patience for it.
Around here it's been dropped, rescheduled and ultimately broadcast at ungodly hours not even a DVR would care to get up for and record. So missed out on most of the last two seasons.

I understand the creator was only interested in the first season and how they got their powers, he had no clue about the rest and let other people fill in the blanks ...

A great idea ruined in the execution it seems.
I'm still watching, but it doesn't have the "magic" of season 1. I actually kinda enjoy the Samuel character, he reminds me a little of Magneto. Not in powers, but more in philosophy.

I'm right there with you about season 1 being the best. But Samuel really isn't doing it for me.

And either Noah or Claire should have had the circcus folks examine Noah's rifle. It would be obvious that it hadn't been fired.

I am looking forward to seeing Sylar get back into the game, though, and presumably on the good side.

In hindsight there were things I didn't really care a lot for even in season 1 BUT it was still an excellent show that I immensely enjoyed... at least up until the ridiculously anti-climactic season 1 finale.

I think I'm a little bitter about it because I saw such potential in the show and loved it so much in the first season. I just feel immensely disappointed by it... I guess I keep watching in hopes they can one day recapture what they had.

I'm still watching it but the latest development of Sylar turning into a good guy is seriously 3 seasons too late. They SHOULD have done that over the course of season 2. Heck, it might have even saved the show if they hadn't done all the stupid crap that they did from season 2 on. This fourth season has had a couple of semi-decent episodes but it's still not all that great IMHO.

Originally when they were talking about Heroes they said that characters would come and go like a revolving door but after the success of the first season, I guess they were afraid to mess with the formula (and cast) so they've stagnated now for seasons 2, 3 and 4 with more-or-less the same lame-duck characters and a handful of new ones tossed in because they needed to give Sylar co-villains.

But seriously, there's not a single character on the show they haven't screwed up in the past three seasons, the worst examples of which are of course the best characters - Hiro, Claire, Peter and Sylar.

It seems to me that Heroes is the perfect example of how the American tv show model of an ongoing series is not always a good one. I think it's much better to have a number of seasons roughly mapped out to form a story arc and then end the show in a planned way like international shows often do (and like they're doing now with Lost.)
Loved season 1, enjoyed season 2 for the most part, season 3 was awful. Season 4 is an improvement over season 3, but it just doesn't have any direction. In the first season every episode was building towards the big finale. You could watch a random episode and "feel" where it was in the season. I was totally surprised to learn that next week is the season finale. Monday's episode felt like any other episode. From the slumping ratings it would appear that next weeks episode may be the series finale.

The trouble is that season 2 was a rehash of season 1. Season 3 started off that way as well. What they needed to do was go "Empire Strikes Back" on it.
I'm still watching. I liked Samuel at first but now he just gets on my nerves.

I don't see this show lasting much longer unless it changes direction.
I was with it up to season 2, but then it changed time slots and I totally lost it, never seemed to find it, or if I did, didn't have the time to watch.
And now so much time has gone by I feel I've missed too much and don't really care to catch up.

And the really strange thing is, I haven't missed this show one bit, so perhaps I wasn't really that interested to begin with.:unsure
I thought the show wold evolve into an actual "super hero" show after the first 2 seasons, but it's taken on this whole negative, us vs them attitude. I watch it like a soap opera, where you just keep up with it to know what's going on.
Watched the first three seasons, and the season 4 premiere, and that's been it. It's just lost it's magic with me, and honestly, I couldn't care less.
Gave up on it a year ago. Got the point where I didn't like any of the characters except Hiro. I got sick of being jerked around with the many allegiance changes.
Mid season finale? How long was this season, ten episodes? What gives?

I'm constantly annoyed by this show. I do find that I enjoy it more when I can watch more than one episode at a time. I just find one episode of the show at a time rather annoying because by the time the show has started to capture my attention, it is over... The pacing and the predictability are both to blame for that.

My DVR has failed to record the show three weeks in a row, though I still watch it at a friends house when that happens.