help with metal engraving/etching ideas


Well-Known Member
Do you work with metal? Need some help.

I am working on a prop that will require a big piece of metal to be etched/engraved/carved/scribed. The metal will be about 3 feet long, done on both sides (not all the way through), and the real hitch is that the metal is very durable - probably just shy of titanium.

Any ideas on this? Could this be done with a laser, or a CNC machine? What about a metal mill, or maybe some sort of Dremel bit?

I am really new to metal, as I usually do hardware builds, mostly out of plastics and a bit of wood.
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This could be done with a CNC mill or a laser (a big one!) or a waterjet, I believe. The CNC metal cutting routre is probably the cheapest and easiest to find.
Depending on the metal, you could also do an acd etch, but that can be a real mess and not too deep.
If it is something you want to do my hand, then a dremel would also work but you will go through a lot of bits and it will take a long time.
Not that that's necessarily a BAD thing but be prepared.

Good luck!
i would recomend using a CNC mill this will give you the best finish in my opinion... what exactly are you needing engraved.. maybe i can help you out if you live some what close..
Yeah, I agree. You could do it the other ways, but why? CNC Mills are far more plentiful and are beautiful tools.
Plus, you have someone already offering to help!
Acid etch (chemical milling) . Saurons suit of armor was done using this method. Check and see if you have any local vendors that are capable of this process. Ive used it dozens of times over the years and its a good solution. Downside is cost and you have to provide the art work. another example

this is the company I have used for years and they have allways done great work for me.

good luck
