Help with "Jeannie" bottle painting


Master Member
My fiance and I are exploring the idea of painting our own vintage Jim Beam bottle into the classic "I Dream Of Jeannie" prop. I had thought about just dropping the cash on a well-painted replica but thought it would be fun for me and the lady to try together.
I have seen on Ebay there is a seller offering a painting guide but wanted to check here first if there was something offered for free.
I know there is a lot of specific spacing involved with the arches and painting all the details so I am looking for something that may offer stencils and/or specific drawing instructions with a paint guide.
Any help will be appreciated, links and PMs welcome.
This came up not to long ago try doing a search i think there are free stencils somewhere.
I don't know if you will be thanking me once you start painting that Bottle!

:lol Just ask Funky that thing is a bear!! :lol
Yeah, I just read through the thread. I'm sure it's a nightmare. I may buy one painted for myself to display and try painting my own just for fun...although fun could soon turn into horror! Makes me wonder if there is an easier way to produce these since there are a number of people selling prepainted replicas...
That paint job looks very intricate.

If you are looking for a perfect replica I would personally buy one finished by someone who has done multiple paint jobs & uses the exact color paints.
There's always the 1st season design; the "Golden Vines" bottle.

Trust me, it would be a lot easier to paint. Especially as a first attempt.

Here's my take on it. I drew up the patterns before I got this here computin' machine, and had clear screen caps. (Not that it matters as I don't do replicas, only my own designs)

'Course the 2nd - 5th season design, the Mulberry base bottle is what most people recall. The most iconic.
There was a gal on ebay selling a cd of all the patterns of all the bottles - bad Sister Jeannie style and some I don't even remember - for about 10 bucks shipped, it was a good deal and covered every bottle paint design there was...
That paint job looks very intricate.

If you are looking for a perfect replica I would personally buy one finished by someone who has done multiple paint jobs & uses the exact color paints.

Yeah, that's what I may end up doing at some point - still, I always have a greater appreciation for a prop in my collection if I did some work on it.
As for the palette of the 2nd - 5th season bottle, there's a sketch purportedly done by the Art Director of the show giving the colours. (I've seen it 101 times, but can't track it down right now).
According to it, the base colour matched a Mulberry Berol (?) coloured pencil. Which unfortunately is no longer made.
The gold used is more of a mustard gold.
The arcades (the main and neck) are a light blue. There's been a lot of discussion, and controversy over it, but it's now generally accepted that they are light blue. That, and Ms Eden, who has an original bottle from the show, says they're blue.
From what I remember, the other, accent colours were given as orange, hot pink and turquoise.

However, even on the show, there were discrepancies between the props. Just watch the 2nd season episode "One of Our Bottles Is Missing", where two bottles are used side by side. One of them is discernibly darker.

Be that as it may, since you're going to paint your own, my advice is to use the colors that you like, that you remember.

While I've never done a replica, I have painted a few bottles and would be happy to help with any technical or technique issues. You're welcome to shoot me a pm, if you'ld like.
This isn't the one I was thinking of, and it's 2nd hand, but this is an accurate layout for the colours.

This was drawn by Oscar Aviles, an early bottle artist, during his talks with Robert Purcel.
One thing I notice is the tip of the stopper. On the prop, it wasn't solid gold, but lined along the ridges. And take my word for it, that takes a fine brush and a deft hand!

Also, on Ms Eden's bottle (the only known/certified surviving 2nd - 5th season prop), there are a few bulb flutes which have 7 cinquefoils rather than 6.
Me, I'ld go for continuity.