Help with a Star Wars Death Star Prop

I'm no DS panel expert, but since this is fiberglass and not biscuitfoam, and since it has a nicely detailed paint job, I'd wager that it is 'fan-made.' Of the few DS panels I've seen in person, none of them had a detailed weathering paint job like this. But it is a nice display piece.
You know I was going to make a long post here describing my long involvement with most of these stories in either being directly involved (as in the blaster casting) or being involved with helping to bring some of them to more public attention (such as the biker scout blaster and the Danziger signatures) but I will just leave it at basically you CAN NOT TRUST ANYTHING WITH A DANZIGER COA.
They are worthless - not honoured after change of ownership from Harrisons to Steve Wickenden.
Forged signatures.
Attached to both obvious and less obvious fakes (but fakes nonetheless).
In all honesty over the past few years I have put a lot of energy into highlighting these frauds and the problematic pieces that continue to crop up but it's all out there now if anyone cares to look.My appreciation to Chris for linking all the above articles and to Jason for his articles and archiving of the problems on the OPB.
Also thanks from me to those who posted links and comments. I had heard bits and pieces of this sordid mess before but never read about it all in one go. Very glad I wasn't aggressively collecting back then. Sorry for those who gut stung. Hope to hear that some people took PH to court and won.
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