Help Request: Vallejo-esque Natn'l Lamp XMas Vacation Poster


New Member
Howdy Folks:

I'm writing hoping you can help me find a color version of an alternate National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation poster visually aligned with the Vacation and European Vacation posters illustrated by Boris Vallejo.

The only evidence I've ever seen of this poster's existence was when it ran as an ad in my local newspaper's weekend section on the day of the movie's release. I've never seen it since. Two, similarly inquisitive enthusiasts inquired Boris Vallejo's Facebook page with a similar ad from The New York Times, however the message wasn't acknowledged.

As far as Vallejo's Facebook page is concerned, mum's the word on this Dodo bird. It's possible the illustration was produced by another artist mimicking Vallejo's style, however, it seems TOO good an imitation to NOT be Vallejo. Regardless, there's some damn good mimics out there... Consequently, I'm posting it to you folks hoping somebody here knows something about it and is willing to shovel the dirt off this illustration's unmarked grave.



  • NatnlLampXmasVacaNEWSADFULL.jpg
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I contacted Boris and we went back and forth via email years ago. Sadly, he claimed it must of been a copycat hired by the studio, because he swears.he didn't create it. :(
I contacted Boris and we went back and forth via email years ago. Sadly, he claimed it must of been a copycat hired by the studio, because he swears.he didn't create it. :(
Howdy Scareventures:

Thank you for taking the time and trouble to reply. It's hard to tell from a newspaper clipping, but the art seems to be a pretty proficient Boris clone. It would be nice to see it in color -- and not made of dots...

Again, thanks for writing, I appreciate hearing from you.