Help from you guys about this site


Sr Member
Hey all, Lately, when I've been trying to browse and look at pics you folks have posted, only a part of the photo shows up. The right edge of the photo is cut off and there is no bar at the bottom of the page to let me "scroll" over to see it. Any suggestions? I've tried adjusting my settings but I can't find the one to do it.

Any help would be appreciated.
I've had the same problem actually.
I can't see parts of pictures and any text that goes off the right side of the page.
Sounds like a glitch in the template theme... Try viewing with the default theme and if it solves the problem then it's definently a theme issue...
First, this thread should be under the technical questions, but I'm sure the mods will move this promptly.

Then, I have heard that many people experience this about the pictures and words. If you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, you will see the scroll bar for left and right. It still should not be that way, though. That would be a problem for the technical wizards.
Here's one:

It looks like a compatability problem with IE(I'm using 7 right now). When you open it up, the table just custs the picture and text off where the edge of the screen is. If I were to open it up in FireFox, I would get a horizontal scroll bar allowing me to see and read everything... and this is happening with every thread where the images extend past the edge of the screen.

That's weird about the scroll bar mentioned by motman... I noticed it, but didn't realize it did anything.
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When I click on that link, I see posts #21 to 30... no "huge image" though. What post is it?
I just clicked on the link and It sends me to post 41 and deals with Vaders ROTJ lightsaber. Large pic included. I have no problem what so ever in viewing this thread or the picture. I'm on a mac, with my monitor set to 1024 x 768 and am using Safari web browser. Firefox sends me to a different post, but I still do not see this problem. Post 34 in Firefox is larger than my screen and I do get the scroll bar at the bottom to see the entire image.
I had no problems viewing either thread in FireFox, on SUSE Linux 10.0. There were no oversized posts or images. I am using the plain (I guess default) board theme.
In the above listed thread, post #25 has a bit of a big picture.

Another thread would be this one The Gremlin picture is too big (for my window, at least).

It is not too big for my screen. Basically, these images are not *attached* to the forum, but rather they are included within the post and hosted elsewhere. There is nothing that can really be done about them. It's a completely external issue (though it isn't really any issue for my screen's resolution).
I think the main issue isn't having to scroll from side to side/top to bottom--like several have posted, I'm also using IE7 and have "double scroll bars".

My browser has them, and there's also a set "in" the thread--the only way to use the side to side is to go completely to the bottom, scroll over and then go back and view. Not life threatening by any means, just a real annoyance.:unsure
Yes, very annoying, and the old software for this forum didn't have these issues, no matter where the picture was hosted.
Any fix to this yet? Anyone even working on it?
I'm not sure how we could fix it (good screen caps, by the way... always very helpful). The only way I can think of is to lock the site width to X pixels, but that would screw over people with smaller and larger resolutions. For example:

If we fixed the width to 780 pixels wide, people with width resolutions of 800 would be fine. People with higher resolutions will see the site with huge gaps on the left and right. Right now it's a percentage of everyone's screen. So if your resolution was 700 pixels wide, it'll show you, say, 90% of that, which might not capture everything.

I'll go search for alternative solutions though, if there are any.

edit: The same thing is happening to me in IE 7. I've poked around IE 7 for settings but can't find a "turn horizontal scroll on"... weird.
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Well, it's certainly nothing life threatening, but even more of a problem than the pics, is that to read anything, you have to scroll down, scroll right, scroll back up, read, scroll down, scroll left, scroll back up, etc for almost every line of text in each post with those pics.:unsure
Is it something with this particular new software that can't be changed? The old board would do it. It somehow had "a floating" scroll bar as soon as a picture was too big. "Floating", just meaning that you could scroll left/right when you were at the top of a thread, middle of the thread, or bottom of the thread. Would you like pictures of something like that?