Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit MAJOR UP DATE PAGE 2


Sr Member
Her you go, the belt, I replaced the flimsy rubies belt with a real leather one i got at walmart, gloves, cod and helmet are rubies. For the inner cape i used a cheap halloween robe and cut off the sleeves and hood. This might not be my final robe i will be using as this was just a quick wip up test. Still need to get the rest.



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Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

Come on people, I know im new here i want some feed back!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway i just purchased the body suit last sunday.!!!!!
Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

Is this your first attempt at Vader? If your budget is small, and your looking to go for so-so, then you should be okay. Not to come off harsh, and please I mean no offense....but the majority here feel that Rubies is not worth the sweat from a monkees...um, well you know:)

In the long run if you want a great Vader, you'll def. have to ditch the Rubies, as you would need to make far to many mods to get it anywhere near movie accurate or to get into the 501st, if that is what you are looking for.

If not, like I said, no offense; just enjoy it for what it is and have a great time for Halloween:)
Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

So, what are your Vader goals? What style of Vader are you shooting for? I would mod that Rubies helmet and repaint it. Kinda reshape it a bit. Vader will frustrate you as it is ALWAYS a work in progress.

You may want to trim the gloves back a touch as they do look a bit long. I think they are always like that from Rubies though.

Good luck, man. Oh, one question...how tall are you?
Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

I'll sort of echo what Moo and Qui said, but it looks like a start. Many people take years to perfect their Vader costumes, so patience my young apprentice. :)
Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

Thanks im a round 6 feet

This is actually my second vader suit im working on, but my first was when i was a kid and it ws just thrown together for halloween using a $5 latex mask, this one will be my first official documented one, im going for a general Original trilogy look. And this will be my first decent helmet as that last one and a cheap flimsy plastic one are the last two i ever owned.

Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

Note I bought a two piece Body suit from Sithplanet on ebay last sunday.
Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

Is this your first attempt at Vader? If your budget is small, and your looking to go for so-so, then you should be okay. Not to come off harsh, and please I mean no offense....but the majority here feel that Rubies is not worth the sweat from a monkees...um, well you know:)

In the long run if you want a great Vader, you'll def. have to ditch the Rubies, as you would need to make far to many mods to get it anywhere near movie accurate or to get into the 501st, if that is what you are looking for.

If not, like I said, no offense; just enjoy it for what it is and have a great time for Halloween:)

I purchased the rubies Supreme Vader not too long ago with the intention of modifying it into a movie accurate version of the ESB suit. I plan to get around to it in the summer, but right now I have the suit displayed on a stand, and with a bit of adjusting (padding out the mannequin's physique, adjusting the dome and position of the chest box) I think it looks pretty damn good for a 'non screen accurate' vader (and believe me I'm a stickler for detail). And you're right in that with plenty of modding the rubies can be made into something truly great and 501st worthy.



Sorry if I de-railed the thread, just wanted to show that the rubies can look good if done right.

As for your costume, why not use the inner cape from the supreme suit? And maybe try to put a bit of padding where the forehead area of the dome meets the forehead area of the mask; this should bring the rear of the dome a little lower on your neck and make it slightly more movie accurate.
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Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

Oh thanks for the tip, I was bidding on a rubies inner cape on ebay, but sadly i lost the auction right before it ended
Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

Ok for one... Congratulations on your new entry into the next level of costume-ry. We'll call this the mid-level area since you're willing to upgrade, but haven't made the proper connections to discover that collectors and hobbyists are your best source for accurate mid-level to high-grade replicas. Your being here at the RPF is a first step. And Rubies is either an exhaustive waste of time, or simple just the next step to an upgrade...haha.

Two, welcome to the RPF.

Three... It's my general advice to most new-folk to respect the board and the members here. This forum is helpful, but it crawls with professionals and hobbyists alike who have been doing this for years. This is not the cosplay.com forums... this is the big leagues.
You are new here, and bumping your own thread reflects poorly on your reasons for being here. Post counts? Views? Popularity? The RPF as a community will always be happy to provide feedback and advice but understand that you're a little fish in big water. The truth of the matter is, if you don't get the feedback you want it's because you're not showing us something that the community can bite on, or you're not asking us questions that we can answer. Or we're still wondering IF we can help you.

If it's a show-off thread, well... you'll learn this with time, but like others have said Rubies is something that we all skip over at this point. Not to be a debbie downer, it's just the fact of the matter. There ARE people who have gone to great lengths to modify their Rubies gear to something that could get them into the 501st.
Personally, anyone who invests that amount of time and money, would be just as well off to sell, and upgrade. :\ (Though the challenge itself is an attractive concept)

Like I said though, welcome to the RPF. Your threads will be bumped by forums users if we can latch on. If not, consider delving deeper into finding answers, critique, and advice. THAT is what we can help you with here.
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Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

I think you're off to a good start. I too am doing a "mid-grade" Vader, with Rubies Supreme parts (jumpsuit, helmet, gloves, cod). I only say mid-grade because the costume isn't flat out off the screen accurate, but for the majority of "non-prop savy" people, the costume looks real enough. (If you are not building what I refer to as "mid-grade" please excuse me, as I am making an assumption)

I am building my vader to be an eye opening piece, something that immediately screams "**** that isnt your average $50 vader costume from Halloween city", and your average non-prop savy friends will not criticize you because you don't have fiberglass parts, like David Prowse did .

Like what most people will say, the Rubies Supreme Vader is a great out of the box costume that you can buy for as low as $400 on ebay, but it isn't screen accurate. None the less it is impressive, but not a favorite of some of the people here.
Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

Thanks Im doing the same thing, I just want a suit that has the average person to have their jaw drop, nothing more. But i want it to have an original tilogy look to it tho.
Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit

Update Got my first Major non Rubies part for it The body suit. It is a lot Puffy than i expected.


Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit Update *BODY SUIT NON RUBIES

That is not leather, or even pleather, is it?
Re: Hello again to every one, here is my WIP vader suit Update *BODY SUIT NON RUBIES

nope made from Polyester