Hellboy movie (2004) Samaritan Speedloaders


Active Member
I am looking for some reference photos of Hellboys 4 round speedloader. I want to make a functioning loader (or two), and have it fit the Tip Top Workshop rounds.

I am aware of this thread: Interest - Hellboy - "Speed-loader" for the Samaritan!!!
too bad I missed the run.

It looks like when you turn the top of the loader, the arms release the bullets. Hoping for some high res photos of one so i can determine how it works and/or replicate the details.
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I wish I could order the last of them from you, but, alas, I do not have the money atm. :(

I am still waiting on my Tip Top kit to get final dimensions of the cylinder and bullet casings.
the bullet are 22mm diameter, just under 25mm at the back flange. The cylinder is approximatively 71mm diameter.
As I stated in the first post, my design will be for Tip Top Workshop rounds.

If it somehow become a run, or I release the files, I think it can be adapted to work with sideshow.
Hey! Thanks for checking in!

It’s been slow because I am working on the gun kit itself, and another 3d model I have been working through.

I printed a test in PLA, and found what I need to modify. I need to print the revisions to test again. I plan on getting it printed in resin. Still looking for a service to do that. Pewter would be awesome as well, but no idea how to do that. lol

I also made a more screen accurate version that (I assume) works more like RelicMaker's loader from a few years ago.
Got the first protype from the 3d print service.


It came out great!

There were a few flaws in the top, maybe because of the dome shape? Otherwise, all the planned tolerances seem to be perfect! Now I just need to assemble it.


One thing I know needs editing is the lettering. It needs to be much larger and deeper. I have made that edit, but alas that means another print call. :(

13 parts in total, hopefully it functions as I planned.
How does the mechanism work on this? I can’t quite make out what is going on in the footage for how the bullets are released through twisting the knob.
It has some mechanicals and springs inside that move the teeth a tiny bit when you twist it. I designed in cad and fusion over many hours. I am hesitant yet to show it off, but may release the files later at some point.
How does the mechanism work on this? I can’t quite make out what is going on in the footage for how the bullets are released through twisting the knob.
Well, I decided to hop back in and post some internal photos.

Here is the bottom




closeup, I added the needed springs


shaft with key

Here is how it now works with springs, also shows how the teeth move
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