Hellbaby Image


New Member
I am horrible with computers and capturing images, I was wondering if anyone had the black/white/red image of Hellbaby from the Hellboy 1 or 2 movies. Right in the begining after the text they have an image of the army platoon and hellbaby right in the middle. If anyone has the image or the ability to capture it I wanted to use it as a backdrop for my Sideshow Hellbaby. Thanks in advance guys.
I thought this image was in the free paper prop thread. Can't remember which number though...
Again, all you have to do is thumb through the free paper prop thread, #3 I believe (or #4...).

While scrolling through there are countless other submissions by some great people here that you might enjoy likewise.
You can print out a nice 5X7 with this one, here you go:
I actually met Angus McInnes (The cigar chomping Sergeant) at Memorabillia in UK......outside of the main hall...he was having a smoke, so me and my mate joined him and just shot the breeze about parking, football, Edinburgh etc......,what a top bloke!!!! We never once talked about films,Hellboy, star wars or anything....it sort of made me feel.....un-geeky!!!!
