Heavy Metal - Loc-Nar


New Member
I am curious, has anyone ever created props for the original Heavy Metal movie? I've always thought it would be neat have a Loc-Nar around the house in case of an emergency.

Now that would be something I would also really love to have.I second that-anyone make one or willing to do a run?
Heavy Metal was just so amazing.
How about a clear bowling ball that you could drill into just like they do for your fingers and put a green led in the center of it.
I thought about a run of these about 4 years ago.

I was going to do a light up container base and I found a number of large green glass spheres.

I put it on the back burner and never ran with it.

One day...
A shadow shall fall over the universe, and evil will grow in it's path, and death will come from the skies.

Soooooo glad I got to see that on the big screen. I was a bit underage at the time. :)

Not really a prop, but here's my Taarna bust by the late Jim Fawkes.

You can get 3watt LEDs these days, eye-hurtingly bright. A few of them with a sickly green filter arrangement, lighting the sphere in an array from below so light blasts out of it from all directions.

Coleman makes lantern cases that split in a similar manner to the Locnar case. Few extra mods and a fat old battery and some kind of switch in the handle so you can switch it on with a sleight of hand before you crack the case open.
I did a search for "Taarna" and only two topics came up. I love this film and I even have it somewhere on Beta. The question begs to be reasked. Has anybody ever produced any of the props from this film???

Here are a few of my screen used animation cels/drawings that are sitting under the bed (the wife hates em and I refuse to trash them.)




and I have a Nude from the Taara sequence I won't post!!!
I've done some preliminary drawings of the cased version that the girl shows to Harry Canyon.

Never got any further than that.
This is my old Anubis kit.
I am in the process of re-molding it if anyone is interested.
Yes, I have Jim's original sculpt.
This time it will come with a pedestal base with Taarna in raised letters.

Not really a prop, but here's my Taarna bust by the late Jim Fawkes.
