Head and shoulders

Hell, with it! I'm asking for help!

I've got lifesize busts of Leia and Luke. The are just heads and parts of necks but no shoulder attachements like My Howard S han and Ben. The 4 years I have had these I have debated over and over and over about the best way to display them For the longest time, I was going to stick each on e a mannequin and do a Lifesize figure, then thought just about getting the torso and arms of a mannequin and do a half bust. lately though I've been thinking about Sideshow's lifesize busts. vader, Boba and C-3po all have shoulders. So I figure that would be the best way to go. The question is What is the best way to put these on a set of shoulders that won't run me an arm and a leg(no pun intended)?

Do any of you guys know someone who has sets of shoulders to buy?