HD lich king pdo files head to toe. (wrath of the lich king trailer accurate)

Skulls on the hilt...

blade detail your not talking about the glowing runes on the blade are you?
no im not. Here are the full details that I was referring to:

look at this model for a second. (click on the pick for higher reselusion!)
r06.png4b58ee68-d9fa-4076-8c4b-1febcf9eaf74Large.jpglook at the blade. That thing at the end of the ruins, see it? that's not a ruin that is a part that was made apart from the ruins. Its not ingraved in the blade like the ruins are.
as well as the skulls on the end of the hilt?r04.png5659884c-0b8d-4ffc-a542-3bdde3ec0d8cLarge.jpg
these pictures arent from the trailer (obviously) but they are modeled after the frostmourne shown there.
speaking of the ruins though......there engraved into it....so there are 2 options here:
1. we could model it from the beginning and build it.
or 2. someone could make templates of the engravings and we could engrave them ourselves (again this is a 100% accurate thread.)

while were at it heres the missing detail for the helmet:
fall of the lich king trailer.jpg its really hard to see but theres a ram head at the end of the helmet...I dont know what to call that part of the helmet but...just look carefully you will see what i'm talking about.WOTLK_WEB_1280_Xvid_EN_ESRB.avi_000184666.jpg another pick from the trailer, that you could refer to.

well thats my answer. Back to you shadeling! :D
On travel atm
I did take a close look at the skulls in the hilt. I could add them in, but they would be about a wide as a dime.
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cant you 3D model the sculls cut half of them and then but them in till they look like the trailer? or would this be impossible? ether way add the skulls please! :)
I can add them and get as close as I can to match the trailer, I'm just pointing out they are going to be tiny, about the width of a finger nail.

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shadeling can we see some progress on frostmourne? im pretty exited. BTW you only mentioned the skulls what about the blade detail that I refered to?

if you didint do anything thats fine, no ruch man!

you still on travel?

thanks man!
Yes, still on travel. We've been seeing the sights instead of camping out in the hotel, we won't be back this way for a while. Don't plan on hitting state side tell the weekend....

We might visit Pompeii again before we leave though

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Home again, caught everyone's cold, lots of paperwork, caught up on my sleep :)
Did some work on one of my personal projects that's been needing attention the past few days
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