HD empire yoda scenes wanted


Well-Known Member

This screen cap was taken from a pan and scan copy of the DVD from my laptop.

The Letterbox version does not look nearly as good at this rez on my pc- since the extra image information uses more pixels to display the total uncroped LB image. Hence the images overall quality and rez is downgraded.


Heres a screen cap from the actual HD rip

The quality is nearly the same- except this is the total image. I would love to have all Yoda's scenes from this HD rip, but I cant find it.

Where is it?

Honestly I dont want the whole movie. Just all of Yoda's scenes.

Thanks in advance for any help regarding this.
There was some 1080p broadcasts of the original trilogy over in Britain and Germany I believe and they were shown on Cinemax. There should be some versions at around 8 megs (dual layer dvd) on torrent sites if you search around. It took me a while but that's how I snagged the 1080p (looks more like 720p) widescreen version of Jedi.

Be persistant and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. Mine was recorded on dvr and encoded by some guy named WookieGroomer. Searching for his name in google/yahoo might give you some leads. :)