Have some Vader questions


Well-Known Member
I'm looking to start making/buying pieces for a full Vader suit. I'm trying to decided if I want ANH of ESB. I was wondering if someone could help me with the differences between the two. I've been a life long fan and I've decided its time to dive deeper in and learn the real good stuff. I've seen several helmnts that have caught my attention such as the SPFX and something called a "celtic" Vader. Sorry if this sounds like I'm an idiot but everyone has to start somewhere! I was searching the site for a while and couldn't figure too much out due to the shear volume of info. Also aside from the movie titles I'm not too great with the acronyms so please help me out and explain what they mean :confused.

First start here to learn about many of the vader helmets and acronyms:
Star Wars Helmets

Here is a basic list of the differences:
Helmet: ANH helmet has a sharp widows peak (that point in between the eyebrows) ESB helmets are rounded. ANH helmet has one black tusk, ESB helmets have two silver tusks. ANH helmets paint scheme is rougher with brushed on gunmetal, ESB has a more smooth paint job. ANH has a smaller chin vent.

Chestbox: ANH chestbox doesn't light up - it has green and red lights. ESB chestbox has more "details" on it, lights up and the square lights are blue and red.

Gloves: Stitching pattern is different.

Inner robe: ANH inner robe is over the shoulder armor, ESB the inner robe is under the shoulder armor.

The list goes on and on - but that will help you get started in telling the difference between ANH and ESB
As far as which Vader you should go with, go with ANH...he's the meanest, the best and the original. :lol
Chestbox: ANH chestbox doesn't light up - it has green and red lights. ESB chestbox has more "details" on it, lights up and the square lights are blue and red.
*whap* The squares are red and blue but do NOT light up. I've made THAT mistake before.
ave4uevoli said:
Gloves: Stitching pattern is different.
The RotJ and ESB gloves a shorter looking as well.
ave4uevoli said:
Inner robe: ANH inner robe is over the shoulder armor, ESB the inner robe is under the shoulder armor.

The list goes on and on - but that will help you get started in telling the difference between ANH and ESB

He is pretty much right about the rest. Shoulder armor is the same through all three OT movies. The belt is a bit of a mess on ANH and really spit and polished with the buckle squarely placed on the RotJ belt. There is soooo much stuff. Prepare for madness...

Thomas, I like my Vader ESB. An Uber Villain should be spit and polished, not look like he was hit with a soot bomb. To me, Vader came into his "evil" stride in Empire.
Nope, ANH rules...here's my old costume...




Plus girls love him! You can't argue with results like this! :cool

He was cool in ANH, but relegated to "Henchman". In ESB, he was downright scary. Loved it. Chicks dig Fett too, but meh...:lol
OK Tell you the truth, I like the ESB Vader because he was really in charge. As for references for my drawings, I'd go either ESB or ROTJ. Mainly ROTJ because of My Infinities type story. I have Vader in his ROTJ configuration when he got catapulted from the Star Wars Galaxy to our Galaxy.