Hasbro EIII V-Wing Fighter


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

Sadly not a kit, but I hope you don’t think less of me for sharing this with you.
This is the Hasbro EIII release of the V-Wing. I actually liked their efforts and it isn’t too bad or inaccurate as toys go. Its dimensions are 14 x 7 x 11” so it’s a real nice size too.

This was my first time painting and modifying a toy but it didn’t go too badly.
I added engine lights and lights in the R2 unit, then gave it as best a paintjob as I could with what little references I could gather.

Sorry about the quality of pics. Need to sort out a better setup if bigger models become more accessible to me (fingers crossed).

Hope you enjoy and thanks for looking


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Wow! Where did you get that? That looks fantastic, you did a kick ass job on that. Holy **** I want one of those.
That looks great - Thanks for sharing. I was also impressed by this toy, and think maybe I will give this a try myself.
Although maybe I should pick up an extra one first in case it comes out really bad - at least I will still have my toy.:rolleyes
Now that´s what the toy should look like! :) I also had plans to repaint my V-Wing, but right now time won´t permit it. You´ve done an outstanding job on it!
Thank you guys so very much for your time and kind feedback. I'm so honored you liked it. :)

Wow! Where did you get that?

Hi Rel, I got mine from Toy’s’R’Us. But it's not an exclusive so you should hopefully be able to find it anywhere.

It is a very good depiction for a toy. I think the only inaccuracy is the fixed landing gear stump on the end of each side wing, but I wasn’t fussed about that. The rest of its dimensions more than makes up for such trivial shortcomings.

I was also impressed by this toy, and think maybe I will give this a try myself.

Go for it KnightAsylum, I think the toys accuracy does most of the work for you so no need to feel too worried. :thumbsup But hey, it can't hurt to have two either like you say :)

As a side note, I managed to find the Hasbro Sith Infiltrator too (they came out at the same time I think). If anyone was disappointed with the AMT micro kit, or has been after a bigger one, this would be a great alternative. It’s a bit more toylike, cuz it splits open into a hotrod fighter thing, and so will require some filling and fixing, and gonna need some greeblies on some of its sections, but like this V-Wing, the overall dimensions are very cool and accurate for a toy, and so far I have to say they aren’t too bad to work with.
That looks killer indeed! I saw this toy in my loval comic store a while back and passed it up, may have to re consider as the price is good and it looks fantastic!
Well done Rider, youve done a splendid job there!

Wow, just amazing! Definitely going to have tohead out to Toys R Us and look for one of these now. How did you do the lighting on it?
Amazing job. Toys look like toys because of their mass produced paint jobs. I think you've done an outstanding job painting this and it almost makes me want to do the same thing, but I can't stand to sink any more money into the prequels. i should have learned my lesson buying everything Ep I just because of the name Star Wars. I hated the movie every time i saw it, but kept buying. What a sucker! Anyway, great job!

PS Where was this ship in Ep III? It doesn't look familar.
Thank you so much ;)

How did you do the lighting on it?

The lighting was done with 4 Grain of Wheat’s. I was a little frightened about it because you will be interfering with the toy mechanism. But as there is no glue, its easy to open up the kit as its held together with Phillips screws.
There’s two bulbs in the R2 head, one in front and back, divided by its center screw, so wherever you swivel it, it stays constant.

The upper engine light was the hardest to wire up as its connected to a spring arm that opens/closes the wings for landing and flight mode. Ideally, if you have the means, its best to drill through the arm, but that’s a job for proper tools and clamps, so I had to compromise and drilled slightly out of it, and to compensate cut a gap into the skin of the outer surface of the toy to fit the wire through above the arm (so the spring load works).

Where was this ship in Ep III? It doesn't look familar.

EIII –Ship appearance

*Spoiler warning*

Two appear as escorts to Sidious’ shuttle right near the end of the film. Their screen time is truly minimal and I think they make the TIE engine fly by sound fx.

*Spoiler ends*

but I can't stand to sink any more money into the prequels.

I hear you on that one. But in the end, I've learned to enjoy the spaceships without prejudice :)
Sure BlindSquirrel, by the way, love the work on your site. It rocks.

Basically, I go for an all over color I call dirty white. Its a white that’s not quite a white. But its not grey either. That’s the tough part. So its mixing white, grey and black until it looks right. But what does that mean? Well, white kinda tends to show up as yellow in certain lighting, and that’s what I try to avoid. In my mix, I know it’s succeeding when instead of yellowing, you get this rather faint blue hue from the mix. What is advantageous about this is when you lay on the drybrushing of black, its not so strong or stands out too much. It all kind of blends in with eachother (I hope).

I find its best to use flat square tipped brushes with a minimum of paint and you can get some nice streaks and effects that way. The next step is to try and make it look busy, as if the tones are battling with eachother. At its best, I try to give the model an energy and a directional flow in the brush direction. I don’t think that worked out too good on the surfaces, at least not in the pics cuz as there’s still a bit of white out happening. But I think the side wings kind of have that going on better.

The toughest thing for me is the battered/chipping look. I know the main technique is some kind of liquid paste you can rub off. But I’ve never tried it as for usual scaled models, a drop would be quite large.
In this case, I used a toothpick, dipped in white paint and dabbed and drew across the areas. The tip was great for fine points and small scratches, if you break the tip off, you can get some nice wider textures for streaks and scratches.

Also, when you compare the plain white of those marks against the white of the chassis, you can get a good impression of the dirty white.
Awesome paint job !
I think a lot of ppl will buy this toy now to try to do like you (I will ! :p).
I love the design of this ship, and the paint job you did gives it justice.
Great idea and great result !
Could you take some better pics outside in the sunlight please? :) I´d like to see more of your excellent paintjob.
Also, did you fill the screwholes with putty?
My V-Wing toy has got a different nose goemetry than it´s body, it doesn´t really fit well and won´t form a flat surface. Did you deal with this? Or doesn´t your model have this problem? And do you have any plans to replace the "missiles" with gun barrels?
Thank you very much guys :)

darth_daniel, I’ll see about getting some sunlight.

I didn’t fill the screwholes, no.
The nose part trajectory on mine seems level and straight with just a very minor bump at the connect point. I elected not to fill this up either. Call me lazy and experimental on those things. :angel

The missiles is a good point. It looks like on the box art, they are a smaller diameter and direct themselves into a coinical tip with a hollowed out cannon head. As you have made me look into it, I may fix that if I find something appropriate.
Nice job! I just picked up the V-Wing and the Infiltrator. They are pretty sweet in my opinion.

Your paint job looks great. I got these for the kid but they seem to be great for size reference.
