Has anyone seen the Capt. America Shield from Anthony Jaco?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone seen a Capt. America shield from Anthony Jaco? I'm really tempted to buy one. I have the Factory X version, and I wonder how it compares.

Sounds like it's lighter weight, but more durable. Can anyone speak from experience? Are they worth the $$$?


-- Tim
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Is that Action-Actors? I've heard that AA shields were really nice...bigger than FactoryX and more sturdy. Unfortunately I haven't seen one in person. I didn't think they were still being made. Good luck!
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I don't know where the Old Thread went ...but there was a Thread a while back on Making your own Captain America shield with an Aluminum Disc like the ones you would use for sliding down a hillside in the snow.

The size was correct and they painted up nicely!

The Shields that were pictured looked Great! I'm sure the guys who made them will eventually see this Thread and Chime in...
Yeah, I've never heard of an Anthony Jaco shield... and I'm usually pretty aware of what hero props are currently available. ;)
Sounds interesting...been looking for a top-notch Cap America shield. I'm eager to see pics of this "Jaco" shield.
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Ahh a Cap shield. :)
The first thing I bought on the RPF was a Capt. America shield, Big ol' plastic thing with a couple of leather straps in back. Bigger then the comic version, more realistic if you wanted to to protect all the important "middle" parts of your body- like a Spartan shield in size I suppose. I liked it because everything is raised (like the one made for the god awful Capt. America movie) I always thought that the more 3-D effect made it much better looking then just painted stripes and star. Sadly I have also never painted it, always scared of painting good circles. One of these days I may just have to at least start working on it...

I have never heard of this Jaco shield, I would be interested in seeing pics if anyone rounds any up.:thumbsup