Has anyone had any issues with the shipping Vader helmets in below freezing temperatures?


New Member
I know you aren't supposed to order/ship guitars in freezing temperatures. I was told by a guitar store that they lost a lot of guitar shipments in the winter.
The freezing warps the body (more so on acoustic guitars) but finishes can also crack.

So I was wondering if the same would also apply for for the shipping of a Vader helmet? I don't want it to arrive all cracked.
From personal experience living in Canada with some brutal winters here (and another on the way currently lol) I’ve never had this problem occur with the Vader’s I’ve painted/shipped. It may have to do with the way guitars are shipped possibly?? not having as much styrofoam/bubble wrap etc. to sort’ve acts as an insulator is my best guess.
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Guitars are sensitive, not only to cold, but also heat or change in humidity. a lot of guitar ship from Asia and when they arrive to Europe or US, the fingerboard has shrinked a bit and the frets can be felt on the ends.
this is true because wood is more sensitive than plastic or fiberglass. on top of that, what you heard about cracking is probably the varnish, but this only happens with nitrocellulose varnish on Gibsons and some other guitars. Most fenders for instance are not prone to cracking on the varnish.

that being said, if the climate is very extreme, I would be careful, but I wanted to answer about the guitar comparison :)
I would personally be more concerned about extreme heat, in the sense that it can deform resin. Fiberglass is ok, but I already received a resin helmet completely deformed because of the heat during shipment.
REAL fiberglass layed from a professional will not warp or crack.But lots of the stuff out there is not real or very low quality fiberglass.
Because you cannot say what they used under the paint I would warm up(roomtemperature) the package with the helmet some hours inside your house before opening.
From personal experience living in Canada with some brutal winters here (and another on the way currently lol) I’ve never had this problem occur with the Vader’s I’ve painted/shipped. It may have to do with the way guitars are shipped possibly?? not having as much styrofoam/bubble wrap etc. to sort’ve acts as an insulator is my best guess.
I'm also in Canada (Alberta). Ok well that sounds go. I was hoping to order a Mike Warren and/or Bookface which are said to be very good so I guess I'm not to worried now. Good to know. Thank you.
I'm also in Canada (Alberta). Ok well that sounds go. I was hoping to order a Mike Warren and/or Bookface which are said to be very good so I guess I'm not to worried now. Good to know. Thank you.
if that was your intention, I'm not sure those guys can ship right away, they probably have quite a back log, so maybe winter will be done by the time your helmet is shipped :)
I'm also in Canada (Alberta). Ok well that sounds go. I was hoping to order a Mike Warren and/or Bookface which are said to be very good so I guess I'm not to worried now. Good to know. Thank you.
both makers have some long waitlists so I doubt you're going to have a problem with weather when it arrives.