Has a "The Running Man" been done?

Yup. Up close & personal.

Pardon the scans off the old photos.

I own one of the suits worn by Weiss (Marvin McIntyre).


The grey jacket next to it is one of the Network Security guys.

I don't know if my friend still has his. He had an original Ah-nuld (with shoes), Buzzsaw and a couple of the Network "Showgirls".

I really dig those suits...
Fun movie, but the book was far, far better. Two totally different animals, really. Gotta judge them seperately. I must have seen this a hundred times when I was a kid!
I would like to see some of the costumes of the stalkers. Dynamo would be really awesome.

"Hey Christmas Tree, LIGHT BRIGHT"
Fun movie, but the book was far, far better. Two totally different animals, really. Gotta judge them seperately. I must have seen this a hundred times when I was a kid!

The original book was written by Stephen King correct? At least that's what I heard.

Some people just don't understand the basics of cosplay....

Like the fact that cosplay is done in japan, not the US?

On the other hand, he's not that pudgy...Frankly, his glasses and stash are more an issue than his weight class.