HARBINGER DOWN : A Practical Creature FX Film kick starter campaign

Kickerstarter campaign by Alec Gills and Tom Woodruff Jr. of ADI

Alec Gillis and Tom Woodruff Jr. of ADI want to create a movie using only practical animatronic and makeup effects. It will be called Harbinger Down with Lance Henriksen. They are trying to raise money via a kickstarter campaign. They have less than a day left and are still behind. If any of you guys would be willing to donate/back the project, I know they would greatly appreciate it. On top of that, if you donate large enough, there are some very cool perks...

HARBINGER DOWN : A Practical Creature FX Film by Alec Gillis/ADI ? Kickstarter

take care,

MODS, if this isn't allowed, please delete the thread....and my apologies...
Re: Kickerstarter campaign by Alec Gills and Tom Woodruff Jr. of ADI

Man, not sure if thats going to work, 100k in 20 hours?! This looks rad too, Ill pledge, I hope it gets funded!
Re: Kickerstarter campaign by Alec Gills and Tom Woodruff Jr. of ADI

no money exchanges hands at all...unless they make their goal...

take care,
And it's on its good tracks ! Project funded up to 87%, less than $43k to find, we're over the $300k mark ! Isn't this enthusiasm or what ? ^_^

So, come on good RPF people, pledge ! We're close now, but every pledge counts !
I pledged but I'm confused by the project.

It's a film to showcase the benefit of the practical methods of special fx instead of cgi, but if you have a film based around the fx, rather than an engaging story, isn't that one of the big problems the industry and movies today are suffering from? The fx work in Harbinger Down will still be taking center stage over the story which has been the issue all along with cgi.

I LOVE practical fx, I'm just confused or not getting what the goal behind the project was or is even though it sounds really cool. I have my doubts one film will save the world practical fx, as the general movie going public doesn't care what methods are used and the big studios are still going to go with whatever is cheapest, which sadly has meant giving the work to studios in other countries while fx artists in the states lose their jobs. This kickstarter seems more of a platform for ADI to increase awareness about their company to me more than anything else, which is not bad, but maybe cgi as an artform is sadly squeezing them out of the market.

I really appreciate the awesome work they do though and hope they succeed.
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I think ultimately, the kick started is for the film but the purpose of the film is to show the major studios that Practical effects are still desired nowadays. It really is about practical effects getting squeezed out by CGI. Look at what happened with The Thing prequel. ADI made these fantastic creatures and then they went and pasted CGI over almost all the work they did. CGI is so much a part of film nowadays that practical FX is pretty much relegated to simple things. I have nothing against CGI and think if you utilize it properly, it'll be fantastic. Just look at what Lucas did with Star Wars. Lets film everything on green screen and CGI. Nothing can replace the old miniatures and prosthetics.

I mean if you think about it, the whole number one reason that people pledged money to this project is because of the fact that this will be a monster movie that doesn't use CGI. They pledged 1/3 of a million dollars just to see practical effects in a film. That's gotta say something to the studios.
Totally dig your points. I just hope the direction, acting and story will be at a high enough level that HB won't go down as the B movie of the century, with the coolest practical effects. I say it all the time, but I love Dennis Muren's "special effects aren't special anymore" line. What HB has going for it is that there's a groundedness and restriction with practical fx work that cgi lacks, which is one of the reasons cgi fails so often.

It's nice to see the funding came through, I had a look at the project a couple days ago and seriously thought they weren't going to get anywhere near the goal. It's reassuring to see such a devoted following to this art form, it looks like a lot of the backers upgraded their pledges as the final hours started winding down.
I think ultimately, the kick started is for the film but the purpose of the film is to show the major studios that Practical effects are still desired nowadays. It really is about practical effects getting squeezed out by CGI. Look at what happened with The Thing prequel. ADI made these fantastic creatures and then they went and pasted CGI over almost all the work they did. CGI is so much a part of film nowadays that practical FX is pretty much relegated to simple things. I have nothing against CGI and think if you utilize it properly, it'll be fantastic. Just look at what Lucas did with Star Wars. Lets film everything on green screen and CGI. Nothing can replace the old miniatures and prosthetics.

I mean if you think about it, the whole number one reason that people pledged money to this project is because of the fact that this will be a monster movie that doesn't use CGI. They pledged 1/3 of a million dollars just to see practical effects in a film. That's gotta say something to the studios.

Having just visited ADI and seen all the thing prequel stuff, its sad alot of it got replaced. Im pumped for this movie :)
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Totally dig your points. I just hope the direction, acting and story will be at a high enough level that HB won't go down as the B movie of the century, with the coolest practical effects. I say it all the time, but I love Dennis Muren's "special effects aren't special anymore" line. What HB has going for it is that there's a groundedness and restriction with practical fx work that cgi lacks, which is one of the reasons cgi fails so often.

It's nice to see the funding came through, I had a look at the project a couple days ago and seriously thought they weren't going to get anywhere near the goal. It's reassuring to see such a devoted following to this art form, it looks like a lot of the backers upgraded their pledges as the final hours started winding down.

I totally get what you're saying. It will really suck if this movie comes out and it turns out its a total stinker. I'd like to think that with all the time that ADI has had in the industry that they learned some tricks. Look at Greg Nictoro. FX artist who's worked on tons of films and he got to finally get behind the camera with the walking dead and he did some good episodes.

I too was tempted to up my pledge to $250 just so I had the chance to go visit ADI but I don't think I'd be able to afford it at this point. Not to mention adding in flights and it would cost a fortune.
Sorry, I had to sleep a bit... And when I got up, what did I saw ? The project is funded ! So ***** awesome ! I'm so really happy right now, this made my day. Thanks to everyone who pledged.

Yeah, the movie will be nothing without a solid script. But no creature effects with CGI, and that's the whole point. The Thing prequel was such a letdown... I really hope this movie will be an eye-opener in Hollywood. :)

I too was tempted to up my pledge to $250 just so I had the chance to go visit ADI but I don't think I'd be able to afford it at this point. Not to mention adding in flights and it would cost a fortune.

Man, how much I feel the same as you on this one ! Maybe if it's a ticket available for the next ten years... :)
Hell yeah. I really didn't think this had any shot at being funded. Can't wait to see this bad boy. Let's hope there's lots of making of footage on the DVD.
It's finally over... 109% funded. $350k, and $34k extra cash. So glad to see it made it. What a ride. Now, I hope they come with good storytelling and great effects. Can't wait for a trailer. :)
Totally missed this. I would have contributed. Although the teaser makes it look like a rehashed tentacle monster flick.
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