Han Solo ESB Blaster question


Master Member
On the Master Replicas ESB Solo blaster, there are two rivet-looking things on either side of the piston pieces.

Are these present on the actual prop and if so, are they rivets and do they 'cut' into the piston pieces some?

I'm too lazy to take a photograph at the moment.
Bump, I know they're on the prop, but I don't know what they are, I'd like to know as well.
True, they are on the original. It's hard to tell if they cut into the pistons or not.
Here are 2 shots I had in my research folder. Can't remember whose pics they are.


Tighter shot. (Not my markings.)


On a fan-made replica I bought a few years ago, this was replicated by putting the 2 piston halves on a thin rectangular plate with the 'rivets' being a small hex nut cut in half with the center filled in. Pretty clever. The close up pic makes it appear that the objects could have facets like a hex nut, but it could be artifacting/shadow, etc.
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Here's a photo of mine. I machined a piece of 1/8" thick aluminum, including some indentations to fit the hex nuts. One of the nuts was filled in with epoxy. The piston halves are bolted to this plate.

This is actually a discovery that Alex Wakal made while analyzing the reference photo (special archive) I passed on to him.
The details above the trigger should both be the same. Neither one is that V8 part. They look like wire connectors, but I haven't seen a match yet. There's a little raised detail on them that might be a manufacturing stamp or other marking of some sort.
I don't think the motor coil should be filled in with white like that, I think that's just snow that got it.
On the MR, they are perfectly round and visible. The piston pieces have semi-circles cut into the sides for the 'rivets' to set. Not sure about the actual prop although it looks like they are underneath to me.
On the MR, they are perfectly round and visible. The piston pieces have semi-circles cut into the sides for the 'rivets' to set. Not sure about the actual prop although it looks like they are underneath to me.

Thanks, that's how I thought it looked. I've still got the last Boba Debt ESB kit to finish so I'll add these on (I can't remember if they were in the kit, but didn't think so).
revisiting this... Chris... can you comment more these days on what the greeblies above the trigger look like?
Talking about the Han ESB's are the left side greeblies only on the Hoth Blaster?

when I built my Bespin blaster I put the piston halves on it but I've never seen a decent picture of the left side of the Han Bespin Blaster & I wonder if it was like the Luke ESB & had no pistons? Just the little v8 part & the motor coil

it's hard to tell but in the ESB group promo pics where Han & Luke both have their blasters I can't See the pistons on Han's

I'm sure I'll probably be either wrong or really late to the party :lol


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Best I can tell the Hoth is the only one with the pistons and above trigger greeblies. The Han Bespin and Luke seem to be two very similar live fires.... TO ME.
Best I can tell the Hoth is the only one with the pistons and above trigger greeblies. The Han Bespin and Luke seem to be two very similar live fires.... TO ME.

....to US ;)
The main difference is the scope bracket and the weathering, not sure about the left side details but both didn´t have ANY piston halves on them

Can someone clarify which DL_44 is who's here? Im guessing the knurled scope bracket is Hans Bespin, the one with the circular thingy with three screws is Lukes and the Hoth was a resin copy right? (That hoth one looks like a live fire with the hammer leaning out so I'm ...confused lol)
Ok here's hoping I'm right :lol

Han Hoth


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