Han Solo buckle vendor?


Does anyone have any information about this vendor of belt buckles? They are offering "Han Solo" buckles, but don't give any pics or measurements. So, obviously, my gut tells me to stay away.

But if this is the only way without going into a metalshop, is it worth it?

Thanks for the advice, all.

Han Solo Belt Buckles | BeltBuckle.com
I got an email back from the vendor and they said it the buckles "are just the front and rear buckles with pins to attach the holster to. The buckles are made to fit a 1 5/8" belt."

They sound tiny.
You really don't even need to go into a metalshop. Think about it, the buckle is really simple. You could make it from foam or MDF or cardboard even. You see all the beautiful Iron Man suits on here? They're not metal.
If you're going to do it right, you need metal. Unless you plan on going around with a Hasbro toy blaster. If you go the Denix Mauser route (which you should) you can get a near perfect replica, however it will be obviously heavier.
Tandy Leathers do a Rectangular Blank the same ones used for Imperial Officer's, i'm sure those can be cut down, Failing that try Corellion Exports
I bought a whole gun belt/holster from costumebase on ebay for the same price of just those belt buckles. I THINK the belt I have uses the same buckles you're looking at????

The ones that came with my belt are metal and IMHO look decent.

I agree with Havok69 you need to use metal.
Tandy Leathers do a Rectangular Blank the same ones used for Imperial Officer's, i'm sure those can be cut down, Failing that try Corellion Exports

This would be a good way to go. You would just need to buy a hacksaw (if you don't have one) which are pretty affordable to chop them down.