Han ANH Alternate/"GK" Scope Rings


Well-Known Member
The pics in the archived thread have disappeared. :(

I'm looking for pics or info about the scope rings used on the screen used alternate/GK blaster. I'd also love pics/info/comparisons with the rings used for the post-production model.

Good pics of the original screen-used rings are hard to find. Screenshots are quite dark. It is the type that has a metal band that hooks on onto one side and is screwed onto the other side with two screws.

This type of scope rings were available in three different versions, differing in height. I know it is not the low version, but I don't know if it is the medium or high version.
Most of us are using what's called a "tip off" ring. These are also made by weaver. I found mine in an old gunsmith shop, but they can also be found on ebay occasionally. Here's my version of a screen used GK:


The reference photo in the back ground is of the post production version. Those rings are usually called "Football style", but most vendors just call them Weaver rings. Like a lot of items, certain styles come and go.

Here's a screen cap:


As you see, it's pretty dark. I can just bearly see a reflection of the knobs on the rings.
I have Weaver tip-off style on my blaster, so I guess I can stop looking for the football type.

Thanks for the replies and pics!