Han and Chewie pilot figures for MR Falcon - COMPLETE!


Master Member
Hi everyone,

I'm really pleased to be able to show the end result of a LOT of hard work and MANY months of trial and error with these figures. The sculptor worked really hard to get these figures accurately sized to fit in the cockpit seats of the MR Falcon. I wanted to express my thanks to him for persevering with this project - the end results are fantastic and the pilots really help to bring the MR Falcon alive!



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Once again I didn't get an e-mail notification to a thread here, but man am I glad I dropped in to look around!!

Man those figurea are awesome!! I don't know who looks better- Han or Chewie!

When do you want my money?!!:lol

I am so glad I signed up for these!!
Glad you like them guys!

I haven't sent out an email notification yet Paul.
Just wanted to show the pics here.
I've already got an extensive list of interested customers (you're on the list) so I will be contacting everyone as soon as the prices have been confirmed by the sculptor.


I don't have an MR Falcon, but I would love to see a pic of them in the cockpit from a few feet away, to see how they look with 3/4 of the Falcon in the pic also.

I just think they're neat.
To capture such a likeness in this scale (of Han in particular) is a remarkable achievement for both sculptor and painter. I'm very impressed with what the artists have done here. :eek

And I know, Chris, that you kept the sculptor at it until your expectations were met. On behalf of all of us aboard this project, thank you for being so meticulous and demanding. As usual, your high standards have led to a brilliant outcome.

Bravo! :love
Thanks again guys!

These little figures were sculpted AND painted by the same talented artist - our very own Cyberman!
His work is really superb and he's a great guy to work with - always open to constructive criticism and always striving to do the best that he possibly can on any project he works on. Thanks Phil! :)

Just working out some final details, then I'll put a thread in the Junkyard for all of those that are not already on the list.


They look awesome. Will there be an Empire Han? It would be nice since technically it's the "Empire" Falcon. :)