Halo 3 spartain laser


New Member
Me and my friends are trying to get into building props so we thought to start out we would build a spartain laser from halo 3. The only problem is we really dont know how to start a build. could anyone give us some tips to get our wheels rolling. It would be greatly appreciated.

Pew pew lazors.

Talk to Vrogy. He milled this one up at Techshop.
OK so I've been tring to figue out the pepakura designer for my spartain laser, but every time i print it out the numbers are super close together and i have no idea what they are. Does anyone know how to fix that if it can be fixed. Ive been playing with it for days and i cant figure it out at all.
Change the font size on the tabs? If all else fails, have the file open while you assemble it and reference the pep file using the "find edge" utility. (I think the button looks like a square with an orange edge"