Halloween decorating at Outlanders home


Master Member
Traveled up to Outlander's home to help with getting the house decorated up for Halloween. He is into the horror items in his collection including several real coffins including some screen used pieces. Today it was getting the cemetery post, fence and tombstones up. Actually a bit of a chore with the number of items he has. A few pics of the build in progress today:





Still a bit of work to be done, but got a bit of the more time consuming work done today.
NICE INDEED! I home haunted for 16 years then finally went into the haunt business, I tell ya the home haunt was probably the most fun I ever had in my life.
My friends would all dress, heck we had a full blown maze up the drive way w/ a facade leading into the back yard. I worked for a fence company as my day job for years...one September day we had to go tear out an old cemetery wrought iron nasty fence...we were scraping it so I saved a ton of panels and for years our home haunt had an "Sceen Used":lol cemtery fence.

It's too bad I'm out of the country (working on a haunt) My haunt shut down, for this year and I have tons of stuff...I would have loved to have taken a trip and donate some props...man I miss the front yard!
Goodluck, tell Outlander I said hey, and keep posting pics...looking great so far

Looks great so far, I really love seeing this kind of stuff. Looking forward to seeing more. I sure do miss reading Outlander's responses to threads in the OT. Hope to see more there soon.
I could not make it up to his house today, so the other crew helpers will be finishing it off today. I will be back up next Saturday for a party there with my kids, so I will take some shots as I can then.

The top of the cemetery columns do have a propane system hooked up for flames. Jeff stored his extras stuff in his basement (which is a story onto itself) and at a separate storage facility. It was a bit of a job just unloading the gear and tombstones out. I will shoot some more shots next weekend to post.
Great job on your decorations.

I love halloween. For the past three years, I was on an halloween committee that co-ordinated a 10,000 square foot maze...I miss the good old days
Now THAT is what you call "Halloween decorations." :lol You know kids will be a might worried as they come up on that after seeing houses with a pumpkin and a couple of cheap decorations on the porch.

My roommates and I, many years ago, put a Freddie Kruger lifesize standup cardboard video release display up in the window, and I had a cosmetology mannequin head with the face all ripped up and fake blood on it hanging by the hair in the window like a severed head. You could see kids stopping as they came up the drive and getting that "I don't want to go there" look.