Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps are coming the Cartoon Network.
"Green Lantern: The Animated Series" was officially announced during a presentation by Time Warner's Turner Networks, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The series will be reportedly be CG-based and may debut as soon fall, 2011.
Earlier this year, comic scribe Geoff Johns hinted that a "Green Lantern" animated series was in the works, as word emerged that a direct-to-DVD follow up to "Green Lantern: First Flight" was also in the pipeline.
A follow up interview with Warner Brothers Animation producer Bruce Timm seemed to indicate that a sequel to "Green Lantern: First Flight" wasn't happening. However, the presentation slide from the "Green Lantern: The Animated Series" announcement has shown up online and seems to reveal even bigger plans for the character and franchise.
Not only does the slide list a "Green Lantern" direct-to-DVD feature for June, 2011; it also reveals that a "Green Lantern" video game is being targeted for May, 2011 with "expanded publishing' presumably indicating that more "Green Lantern" comics will also be released around that time.
The heavy promotional push for "Green Lantern" is meant to coincide with the release of Martin Campbell's live action adaptation starring Ryan Reynolds, Mark Strong, Peter Sarsgaard, Blake Lively, Tim Robbins, Angela Bassett, Jon Tenney, Gattlin Griffith and Jenna Craig.