Green Arrows Bows and other gear

I used to have an old 80 pound self cocking crossbow, and the holes match up to the ones on the bottom there.

The only thing is the self cocking ones have a small point that comes out near the end of the crossbow to grab onto, and a small lever on the back instead of the pull.

I think it may be drilled as mentioned before. I can't really see them mixing and matching off what seems to be a 20$ flea market special and a 30$ flea market special.

as far as the glasses go.... no clue. you might wanna check with blufive. I think he works in an eyeglass place, and may have an idea moreso or at least a catalog to dig through.

Hey Tim. best of luck on this costume. If anyone was gonna do it, it would definitely be you brother. It looks like you have alot of great help here.
BTW this Gobby from the BOTB. I haven't been over there in awhile.
Can't wait to see what your finished costume and gear look like.
OK i bought a crossbow like the ones pictured above at Big 5 today. I will get to work on making it look like his in the next few days. I still have no clue on the glasses though.
Ok you pull this costume off and you are so the man. I hate your look, lol. You can pull off so many superheroes. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished costume. The best I could pull off is this Green Hornet.
i picked up the cheapy crossbow today as well.

im gonna head back to the flea market tomorrow and see whats going on and if i can find some metal bolts for it. that or google up some metallic green paint :lol

i will try and take some screencaps of the show as well to see what the bolts look like.

this is the best screen grab i can get and all you can really see is a bit of color.
Has anyone made a replica of his crossbow yet? There seemed to be some good shots in Season 8. Are there any screengrabs out there?
Yeah the PSE MOJO is the correct bow. I have one that I need to get rid of but it needs to get painted. PM me for details but yeah it is the correct bow...see my hubby here:

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